Agenda item

Libraries, Registration and Archives Draft Strategy including Proposal for a New Library Tiering Model

To discuss and comment on the draft strategy and proposals for public consultation. 


 James Pearson (Head of Libraries, Registration and Archives) and Jackie Taylor-Smith (Strategic Manager Business Development Libraries, Registration and Archives) were in attendance for this item.


1.       Mr M Hill, OBE (Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services) introduced the report that outlined the key features of the draft Libraries, Registrations and Archives (LRA) Strategy which included the proposal for a new Library tiering model and revised opening hours. The report also provided details on the proposed public consultation process to gain feedback on the strategy and proposals. Mr Hill highlighted the importance of libraries, the impact they had on helping to tackle social isolation and the ambition to encourage greater responsibility on Kent’s partner agencies and volunteers to manage the operation of library services outside of normal staffing hours. Mr Hill thanked the Members Working Group, chaired by Mrs Hohler (Deputy Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services) that helped to develop the ambitions and detail of the strategy.


2.    Mrs S Hohler paid further tribute to the Members Working Group and commended the work of the LRA service and the pivotal role it played within the community. 


3.       Before the commencement of the discussion, Mr Pearson informed the committee that a revised version of the LRA Strategy was circulated as a supplementary appendix on the grounds that it contained inaccuracies regarding library opening hours. Mr Pearson assured the committee that the error was immediately rectified and that all public consultation material was corrected. Mr Pearson proceeded to the report and drew Members attention to the strategy overview which set out the priorities for the LRA Service. The key principles of the strategy were to retain and maximise the use of the LRA’s community network of buildings, explore the potential for working with partners in the delivery of services and optimise library opening hours through a new library tiering model. The key highlights included New Marketing and promotional approach, digital strategy development, archive digitisation and a service that continues to innovate. The table in Appendix A provided a summary of the five agreed ambition statements and the associated proposals included within the strategy. Mr Pearson assured Members that whilst there would be an overall reduction in library opening hours across the county of 20%, the tiering model would optimise library performance and create a revenue saving of up to £1 million.


4.       Mrs Taylor-Smith said that the consultation period would run for a 10-week period from Wednesday 21 November 2018 and would be will be promoted on the Kent County Council website and at all service points. During the consultation period, the LRA service would also facilitate a number of drop-in sessions at its library centres should the public or staff wish to discuss the proposals within the strategy.


(a)    In response to concerns regarding the benefit and cost of public consultations, Mrs B Cooper (Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport) said that the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) commissioned a compulsory library toolkit for Councils; should the GET Directorate fail to complete each stage of the process the Council could face judiciary review. In addition, Mr Pearson said that that the LRA service had worked in conjunction with the Strategic Commissioning’s Analytics team and the consultation team to carry out an intelligence led review, however, a positive aspect of the consultation was the opportunity to engage directly with the people of Kent regarding the future direction of the whole service and ensuring that their views were incorporated in the final strategy.


(b)  Mr Pearson said that the LRA Service had briefed staff on the strategy a week ago and the possible implications that the strategy may have on them should the proposals be implemented.  The LRA management team were in the process of speaking to staff and would continue to engage with staff should they have any concerns. Staff have also been involved in workshops to develop the ambition statements the strategy is built on.


(c)   With regards to whether a volunteer toolkit could be commissioned to further accommodate the public use of library centres outside of staffing hours, Mrs Taylor-Smith said that the Library Extra pilot scheme used technology assisted opening facilities which allowed members of the public to access library centres outside of staffed hours. The results of the Library Extra scheme would be evaluated in August 2019 and presented to the committee in due course. In addition, Mr Pearson assured the committee that volunteering was pivotal part of the LRA services succession planning and was a key feature within the strategy. The LRA service hoped to develop new opportunities for its volunteers and was looking at ways to equip both staff and volunteers with the necessary skills needed.


(d)  In response to members requests for the data regarding the library tiering model, Mrs Taylor-Smith said that the data was available for each site and this would be published online as part of the public consultation in due course.


(e)    Mrs Cooper informed the committee that the LRA Service was primarily responsible for evaluating library premises and therefore determined how these could utilised more efficiently. Whilst the Property team would need to be involved, Mrs Cooper asked that Members direct all their inquiries regarding library property to Mr Pearson.


(f)    Members commended the work of the officers and the local authority for the value it places on its library services.


5.    RESOLVED that the draft strategy and proposals for public consultation, be noted.

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