Agenda item

18/00060 - School Funding Arrangements for 2019-20

To receive a report which advises Members of the Committee about the proposals contained within the School Funding Formula Consultation 2019-20 which occurred between 15 October and 16 November 2018.


Mr Pleace (Revenue and Tax Strategy Manager, Strategic and Corporate Services), and Mr Abbott (Director of Education Planning and Access) were in attendance for this item.


1.       Mr Gough (Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education) and Mr Pleace introduced the report which set out the proposals contained within the School Funding Formula Consultation 2019-20.


Mr Abbott, Mr Dunkley, Mr Gough and Mr Pleace then responded to comments and questions from Members, including the following: -


        a)    Mr Pleace referred to the figures set out in the report and to the cost of providing additional support for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). He confirmed that the average cost of an EHCP could be calculated. Mr Gough added that the majority of the costs within the High Needs Block reflected children that had an EHCP in place.


        b)    In relation to children in Kent with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Mr Pleace stated that Kent County Council were working closely with paediatricians and GP’s to seek ways in which children with ASD could be better supported.


         c)    Mr Dunkley highlighted the significant increase in EHCP’s in Kent and said that Kent County Council continued to refine the outcome measures that were used for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). Mr Gough referred to the need for extra resource in the high-needs system, the extensive action programme that had been put in place for children with SEND and ensuring that appropriate support was provided in schools to ensure that the needs of children and families could be met locally.


        d)    Mr Gough stated that there had been a large increase in independent sector placements over recent years and said that it was important to continue to ensure that children were in the schools, that ensured that their individual needs could be met appropriately.


        e)    Mr Pleace confirmed that English as an Additional Language (EAL) was part of the local funding formula.


          f)    Mr Dunkley said that the demand for EHCP’s was led by parents and health professionals. He said that Kent County Council had become less robust in terms of refusing EHCP applications for assessment, which in turn increased workflow.


        g)    Mr Abbott acknowledged that work was being undertaken across the Council to re-establish a parent/carer forum in Kent to ensure that parents and carers were well informed and were receiving clear and concise information.


        h)    Mr Pleace confirmed that a protective lump sum of £120,000 was provided to all schools in Kent, regardless of their size.


2.          The Chairman requested officers to circulate a briefing note to Members of the Committee, providing more information in relation to each of the divisions in Kent.


3.          RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, to


a)    introduce a split site factor, and


b)    repeat the 0.5% transfer of funds from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block in 2018-19 and to transfer a further 0.5% for 2019-20,


be endorsed.


(Dr L Sullivan asked that her vote against the recommendation be recorded in the minutes)


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