Agenda item

Unit Review (including designated and specialist provision and Very Severe and Complex Need Support for children and young people with special educational need at mainstream schools)


(Report by Mr John Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Education and School Improvement, Dr Tony Robinson, Cabinet Member for Children and Family Services and Mr Graham Badman, Managing Director, Children, Families and Education) (Joanna Wainwright, Director, Commissioning (Specialist Services) was present for this item)


(1)       This report updated Cabinet on developments to date with the Unit Review (including designated and specialist provision and very severe and complex needs support for children and young people with special and education need at mainstream schools).  Dr Robinson said that this was an interim report and that planning and consultation with the Clusters would continue in phases throughout the remainder of 2007 with a more detailed report on the provision that was proposed in Phase 1 being submitted to Cabinet in the Autumn.  Currently, there were 63 specialist units and designations covering the six need type categories.  There were 690 children with statements accessing this provision with 485 of those travelling outside the cluster in which they lived to access that provision.  Dr Robinson said that it was important that through the Review the pattern of provision focussed on ensuring vulnerable pupils had access to appropriate provision in their locality.  Mr Gilroy said that this was a good report but the Council also needed to look at the issue of transition for 14-19 year olds and 19-24 year olds.  Mr Mills said that tied in with the work of the Select Committee reviewing Transition Arrangements which was due to publish its report in May.


(2)       Mr Chard said that whilst the revenue funding for the Review was secure, the Capital funding still needed to be put in place and therefore it was important not to raise expectations only to find that funding for the capital element of the Review was not affordable.  Mr Carter said that the County Council had already made provision to improve school buildings through the modernisation allocation but that may need to be added to.  Mr Badman said that any capital resources needed to implement the Review would be detailed in proposals from clusters and that would be submitted to Members.  Also, subject to Member agreement, proposals may include refurbishment of existing premises, new provision (eg for autism) and may be linked with BSF/PFI plans for school buildings in each locality.  Mr Lynes emphasised the importance of keeping parents and carers closely informed and involved in the Review as their views were critical to this process.  Joanna Wainwright said that having an ongoing dialogue with parents and carers was something which was recognised as being of great importance.  Joanna Wainwright also confirmed that no child would be moved against the wishes of its parents and for that reason the transition arrangements may take some considerable time to fully implement.  At all stages it was important to ensure that parents were given full support and confidence in the process.


(3)       Cabinet:-

(i)         noted the progress of the Review;

(ii)        agreed the proposed next stages as detailed in paragraph 4 of the report;

(iii)       agreed the revised timetable for the Review as detailed in Appendix 2 of the report;

(iv)       agreed that the Multi-Agency Unit Review Steering Group consults on the draft criteria for provision; and

(v)        agreed that the Multi-Agency Unit Review Steering Group, in partnership with the appropriate Cluster Boards consults more widely on the provision proposals in relation to Phase One Clusters.


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