Agenda item

Performance Dashboard


Rachel Kennard (Chief Analyst) and David Beaver (Head of Waste Management) were in attendance for this item.


1.    Ms Kennard introduced the report that showed progress made against targets set for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) up to September 2019. Eleven of the eighteen KPIs achieved target and were RAG rated green, seven KPIs were below target but had achieved floor standard and had therefore been RAG rated amber.


2.    Officers responded to comments and questions as follows:


(a)  With regard to improvements to be made from the service, Mrs Cooper (Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport) informed the Committee that the indicators were presented to Members on an annual basis for review.


(b)  In response KPI WM03: Waste recycled and composted at HWRC’s and reduced recycle rates, Mr Beaver informed Members that there had been a reduction in the floor target from 67.3% to 64% following the recent change of policy to start charging for soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard. Mr Beaver confirmed that the recycled rate was measured against the non-recycled rates (residual tonnes) and as a result of the loss of soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard as a recyclable material, recycling rates at the HWRC’s had also reduced. The intake of soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard had reduced from 38,000 tonnes to around 9,000 tonnes in 2019. Mr Beaver informed Members that the intention was to review the KPIs with Members to ensure they reflected realistic targets.


(c)   Mr Beaver informed the Committee that there had been an increase in the application of licenses for skips by 45% and said that trade waste had increased by 1.7%. 


(d)  In response to fly tipping, Mr Beaver said that the policy had been in situ for 6 months and confirmed that there had not been an increase in the number of fly tipping incidents reported from District Councils. As a result of the policy, members of the public had started to re-use the materials or sell it, all of which supported KCC’s objective to reduce the amount of material deposited at Household Waste Recycling Centres and promoting alternative means of disposing materials in a sustainable but appropriate way.


(e)  With regard to concerns around the negative financial impact on KCC, Mr Beaver assured Members that any form of waste reduction represented a cost saving for the authority. There were very few materials that generated income for KCC as a vast majority of recyclable materials, including glass, cans and plastic had a significant cost attached to them as they needed to be processed in a particular way in order for them to be re-used/ sold. The price for many of the materials was volatile and subject to global commodity prices, with materials such as paper and card costing around £75 per tonne, however, most authorities were paying £6 per tonne as the global market had ceased to take the material.


(f)    In response to the cost of soil, rubble and hardcore, Mr Beaver confirmed that it cost £20 plus per tonne as the cost of haulage, processing at HWRC’s and manpower to deliver the service needed to be factored in.


3.    It was RESOLVED that the Performance Dashboard report be noted. 


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