Agenda item

Kent TV


(Report by Mr Paul Carter, Leader of the Council, and Mr Peter Gilroy, Chief Executive)

(Tanya Oliver, Head of the Strategic Development Unit was present for this item)









16 April 2007







Kent TV

(Item 6 – Report by Mr Paul Carter, Leader of the Council, and Mr Peter Gilroy, Chief Executive)

(Tanya Oliver, Head of the Strategic Development Unit was present for this item)


(1)       Tanya Oliver said that the establishment of Kent TV was a natural step forward in communication and providing information in a modern and contemporary way.  A rigorous tender process had been undertaken and it was expected that an announcement on the preferred provider would be made in the very near future.  Mr Gilroy said that the establishment of Kent TV would fit with the County Council’s powers under the Communications Act 2003 as well as promoting well being and the community leadership role set out in the Local Government Act 2000.  In addition, the Government’s White Paper “A New Future for Communications” trails new legislation aimed at encouraging and enabling local authorities to provide information services via TV and radio.  The spread of digital technology was rapidly increasing and the County Council should maximise the potential this offers for transforming how it communicates and how it can raise the profile of Kent locally, nationally and internationally.


(2)       Mr Lynes said that he was very supportive of this important initiative which through the use of modern technology would allow the County Council to increase the ways in which it provided and communicated its services to Kent residents.  This view was echoed by Mr Chard and Mr Ferrin who said that this would not be a replacement but an additional strand to the way the County Council effectively communicates with the residents of Kent and beyond.


(3)       Mr Carter said that he welcomed this innovative initiative and supported the use of new technologies in increasing the number of ways in which a major local authority, such as KCC, communicates with residents.  In commending the recommendations of the report to Cabinet, Mr Carter proposed, and it was agreed, that the recommendation in paragraph 5(2) be amended so as to read ‘delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, authority to approve the appointment of the provider company’.  Cabinet also agreed to adding an additional recommendation to read ‘subject to him being satisfied as to the detailed terms and conditions, the Chief Executive be authorised to enter into an appropriate contract on behalf of the County Council with the approved provider’.






Kent TV Cont’d


(4)       Cabinet agreed:-


(a)       to the implementation of the Kent TV pilot as detailed in the Cabinet report;


(b)       to delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, authority to approve the appointment of the provider company; and


(c)        subject to him being satisfied as to the detailed terms and conditions, the Chief Executive be authorised to enter into an appropriate contract on behalf of the County Council with the approved provider.


The reasons for this decision are set out above and in the Cabinet report.


Background documents:  None







     signed (Chief Executive)






Decision Referred to Cabinet Scrutiny


Cabinet Scrutiny Decision to Refer Back for Reconsideration


Reconsideration Record Sheet Issued


Reconsideration of Decision Published



















Supporting documents: