Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements


Birthday Honours List

(1)           The Chairman referred Members to the list of honours recipients from Kent following the recent announcement in The Queen’s Birthday Honours List.


(2)           The Chairman informed Members that Viscount De L’Isle, the Lord Lieutenant of Kent, had become a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order for services to The Sovereign, Mr Clive Emson, a former Kent Invicta Award recipient and Kent Ambassador, had received an MBE for services to vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in Kent, and Ms Jo James, Chief Executive of Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and Kent Ambassador, had received an OBE for Services to the economy in Kent.


(3)           The Chairman, on behalf of the County Council, offered sincere congratulations to all of those Honours recipients.


 Newly Appointed Deputy Lieutenants of Kent

(4)           The Chairman referred Members to the list of newly appointed Deputy Lieutenants of Kent, published on 20 June 2019. Each of the seven new Deputy Lieutenants had been appointed for their positive contributions to the County and the Nation.


(5)           The Chairman formally congratulated all those appointed, but in particular, Miss Jo Holmes, Head of the Civic Office and Deputy Clerk to the Lieutenancy at Kent County Council.


The Queen’s Awards for Voluntary Service

(6)           The Chairman drew Members attention to the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service which was the highest award given to volunteer groups across the UK. Any group of two or more people doing volunteering work could be nominated for the award, but the group should have been running for three years or more, with the majority of the group being volunteers. She encouraged Member’s to look for nominees from their community and stated that further information would be e-mailed to Members and confirmed that the deadline for nominations was 13 September 2019. Further information was available from the Civic office.


 Local Government Honours

(7)           The Chairman announced that The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government had invited Kent County Council’s Members to make recommendations for the Birthday 2020 Honours. She stated that further information would be e-mailed to Members and that completed forms should be returned to the Civic office by 16 August 2019.


 Highway Tree Planting and Member Grants

(8)           The Chairman announced that at 1:00pm, the Soft Landscape Team from Highways, Transportation & Waste would be holding a tree-planting event outside County Hall. The event celebrated the continued support of Kent resident, Sophie Scott, who had provided Highways, schools and other organisations with funding to plant urban and highway trees for over 20 years. At the event, Mr Payne, Deputy Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste, would be planting a ceremonial tree and Ms Scott would be presented with a second tree, which would be planted at a site of her choice in Canterbury.


(9)           The Chairman stated that the Soft Landscape Team would be on hand during the lunch break to answer queries from Members about the best time to allocate their Member Grant funding to obtain the best nursery stock, and how highways trees were planted to minimise root disruption to pavements and roads.


(10)          The Chairman invited Members to join her at the tree-planting event and to take the opportunity to speak to the Soft Landscape Team.


 Local Government Association Challenge winner

(11)        The Chairman announced that Rob Comber, Service Development Manager in the Children, Young People and Education directorate had won the national Local Government Association (LGA) Challenge at the LGA Conference in Bournemouth on Wednesday 3 July 2019. The challenge was in its tenth year and was part of the legacy of the late, great Lord Sandy Bruce-Lockhart, former Leader of Kent County Council and Chairman of the LGA. Rob was selected as the winner by a panel of judges and would receive the £10,000 Bruce Lockhart scholarship to develop his project, “Summer Slide”, that aimed to tackle the educational impact of child poverty through summer schools.


(12)        The Chairman congratulated Mr Comber on winning the Local Government Challenge.

 Corporate Parent Challenge Champions 2019

(13)        The Chairman announced that the Corporate Parent Challenge Champions 2019 event would take place onthe afternoon of Thursday 25 July 2019 at Teston Country Park.


(14)       The Chairman invited Members to the event to celebrate the achievements of Kent’s young people.


Kent County Show – Award


(15)       The Chairman congratulated Miss Carey and officers for the hard work and planning that they had undertaken at the Kent County Show which took place on 5th, 6th, 7th July at The Detling Showground, Maidstone. Kent County Council had taken second place out of 400 for ‘best large trade stand’.


 Low Energy Strategy and Kent Nature Partnership Biodiversity Strategy


(16)       The Chairman stated that copies of the consultation on the Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy and the Kent Nature Partnership Biodiversity Strategy 2019 – 2044 were available outside of the Council Chamber