Agenda item

Select Committee: Transitional Arrangements


(Report by Mr K G Lynes, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services, and Dr T Robinson, Cabinet Member for Children and Family Services)

(Mr A Bowles and Mr T Maddison were present for this item)


(1)       The Adult Social Services Policy Overview Committee established a Select Committee to look at the issue of Transitional Arrangements to adult life and services for disabled children and young people and children and young people with a learning difficulty, including those who are Looked After.  The review explored the extent to which Kent County Council’s transitional policies and joint working particularly between Social Services, Education, health services and partners are able to meet the needs and expectations of these young people in Kent.


(2)       Mr Lynes said that it was essential to provide the right level of support and resources available to disabled and young people and those who had learning difficulties to ensure they had a smooth a transition as possible to accessing Adult Services. Putting forward proposals aimed at a more seamless transition to adult life and services was one of the specific targets set out in the County Council’s “Towards 2010” document and he proposed that an Informal Member Group should be established to undertake a piece of focussed work around some of the important issues raised by the Select Committee. He proposed the IMG should initially report to Dr Robinson and himself and its findings included as part of the overall report to the County Council in September.

(3)       Mr Bowles said that he supported the comments made by Mr Lynes.  Whilst the Select Committee had kept close to its terms of reference, it was obvious there were issues which could have taken it in a wider direction.  He therefore welcomed the fact that there would be some more detailed work undertaken.  Mr Bowles said one of the things which the Select Committee wanted to see addressed was the issue of ensuring that there was an equitable service across the county in terms of access and delivery.  The Select Committee had looked at best practice in other areas and Mr Bowles commended in particular the work being done in Hampshire which had had produced a transition handbook and multi-agency guide and he hoped something similar could be produced in Kent.  Mr Bowles said that he particularly wanted to see the introduction of transition workers with the specific role working with and co-ordinating support for these young people.  He also supported the concept of peer mentoring and resources being made available to help

facilitate better training.  The overall aim and objective was to do all that was possible to ensure these young people had the best possible chance.

(4)       Mr Maddison said that he was pleased with the outcome of the work of the Select Committee and he too paid thanks to all those who had given it their time and support.  He commended particularly Recommendation 12 which speaks about exploring the potential of establishing a programme whereby disabled young adults are employed as peer mentors to assist with transition planning in schools and elsewhere. Transition can for some be a very difficult time and he hoped that the report would be seen as providing a template for future work and for bringing about more consistency in provision and support.  Mr Koowaree also spoke about the important role of the transition worker as being someone who can provide continuity and support.  He commended the Select Committee’s report to Cabinet and thanked those who had supported it in its work.

(5)       During discussion, Mr Oliver Mills said that this was a very complex subject and he welcomed the report and its recommendations.  He said the Kent experience could be a mixed one and that was something which was often reflected in other parts of the country.  However, the County Council working with its partners was committed to ensuring these young people had the best possible opportunities and outcomes wherever they lived in the county.  Mr Mills also said that an Executive Board made up of key partners had been established and this was developing an action plan which would build on the work and recommendations that had been put forward by the Select Committee.  Mr Badman said that he supported all which had been said and recommended the report should also be formally referred to the Connexions Board and to the Learning and Skills Council.  This was agreed.

(6)       Following further discussion, Mr Carter said that he supported the establishment of an Informal Member Group to look in more detail at some of the issues which had been raised by the Select Committee.  He said he also wanted the Cabinet to look at these issues as well and to possibly come forward with some views of its own.

(7)       Cabinet then:-

(i)         agreed that the Select Committee be thanked for its work and for producing a relevant and balanced document;


(ii)        the witnesses and others who provided evidence and made valuable contributions to the Select Committee be thanked; and


(iii)       that an Informal Member Group be established to undertake some more detailed and focussed work and for the outcomes to be referred initially to Mr Lynes and Dr Robinson following which a report will be submitted to a future meeting of the County Council.