Agenda item

DfES Consultation on Schools, Early Years and 14-16 Funding


(Report by Mr John Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Education and School Improvement and Mr Graham Badman, Director for Children, Families and Education)

(Mr Keith Abbott, Director for Finance and Corporate Services, Children, Families and Education Directorate was present for this item)


(1)       Mr Simmonds said that the DfES consultation paper contained little in the way of information on financial modelling and the impact some of the proposals would have on local authorities such as Kent.  Therefore, at this stage it was difficult to come to a clear view on some of the options which were being put forward.  The DfES had held a conference on the consultation paper and whilst that had provided little in the way of any additional detail, it did provide an indication as to the preferences that the DfES had on some of the options proposed.  Mr Badman said that the remit of schools was much broader than just Education as a consequence of  the Children’s Act and they were now being asked to fund not just education but a range of children’s services. He was also concerned at proposals to make a 5% levy on all schools with reserves regardless of the reasons those reserves were being held for.  Mr Badman said he was concerned at this proposal because he felt it could encourage some schools to spend unwisely rather than see their reserves levied.


(2)       Mr Abbott said that with other authorities in a similar position, the County Council would be meeting shortly with representatives from the DfES and GOSE to discuss the details of the Consultation.  Whilst submissions in respect of the Consultation need to be presented by the end of June, it was likely that the outcome of the Consultation would not be known until November.  There was therefore an ongoing opportunity for the County Council together with other authorities to continue lobbying on the issues raised within the Consultation paper.  Mr Gilroy said the DfES was setting both high specifications and expectations but was not making the resources available in order to meet those.  The proposals set out in the Consultation would not only affect education provision but would have an impact on the County Council’s financial plans as a whole.  Therefore it was essential that the County Council put forward a clear case setting out its concerns.


(3)       Mr Chard said that the proposals needed to be looked at in the round, as they had implications for the Council’s budget as a whole.  He agreed it was important to work with other counties within the South-East who were in a similar position to that of Kent.


(4)       Mr Carter said local authorities such as Kent could no longer be asked to provide increased services on less money and therefore the County Council should join with other authorities within the South-East to develop a concerted and constructive campaign in relation to the proposals set out in the Consultation paper.  He therefore proposed, and it was agreed that the County Council should work with the School’s Forum and other authorities in the South-East in putting to Government a robust and collective response to the Consultation.  If necessary that should be supported by obtaining an independent assessment of current need and resources.  In addition Mr Simmonds proposed and Mr Chard seconded that they,  together with officers should be authorised to sign off the County Council’s response to the Consultation paper once the modelling work had been completed.  This was agreed.


(3)       Cabinet:-


(a)       noted the latest DfES proposals in relation to schools, Early Years and 14-16 funding;


(b)       approved that Mr Chard and Mr Simmonds together with officers be authorised to sign off the County Council’s formal response once the final modelling had been completed; and


(c)        the County Council should work with the School’s Forum and other authorities within the South-East in putting forward to Government a robust and collective response to the Consultation paper.  To support that work an independent assessment should be commissioned of current need and resources.


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