Agenda item

Application DO/18/1104 (KCC/DO/0474/2018) - Redevelopment of existing industrial site into a waste management use to provide for a fully enclosed waste management facility at East Kent Recycling, Aylesham Industrial Estate, Cooting Road, Aylesham; East Kent Recycling



(1)       The Head of Planning Applications Group reported correspondence from Nonnington PC maintaining its objection to the application. 


(2)       Ms Jillian Barr (representing Sharpak Aylesham Ltd) addressed the Committee in objection to the application. Mr Matt Mehegan spoke in reply on behalf of the applicants.


(3)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were carried by 6 votes to 0 with 1 abstention.


(4)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)          permission be granted to the application subject to conditions, including conditions covering the commencement of the developmentwithin 3years; thedevelopmentbeing carriedoutandcompletedinaccordancewiththe submitteddetails,documentsand plans; a maximumthroughputof 45,000 tonnes perannum; no more than80 HGV movements (40 in /40 out)perday; records being maintainedand made available to the WastePlanningAuthority ofall HGV movements; HGV movementsbefore0800 hoursbeing restricted to 4 HGV movementsbetween 0500 and 0600hoursand 10HGV movementseach hourbetween0600 and 0800hours;  no overnightparkingof HGVs taking place on site; measures being taken to ensurethatvehicles leavingthe site donotdeposit mud orother materialson thepublichighway; all loaded HGVsenteringor leavingthe site being enclosed,covered or sheeted; no waste being delivered to the site bymembersof the public; the provision and retention of areasshown for vehicleaccess, parking,turning,manoeuvring,loadingand unloading; measures to preventthe discharge ofsurface water into the publichighway; the provision of dropped kerb crossoversand associatedparkingrestrictions on the public highway;  the provision and maintenance of visibilitysplays as shown on the submitted plans; the implementation and maintenance of the proposed fleetmanagementmeasures toensure that there is no queuingon the public highway;  core operatinghoursbeing  0600to 1830on MondaystoFridays;0600 to1400 onSaturdays with no operations on Sundays,BankandPublic Holidays (except where requiredin the exceptionalcircumstances set out below):-


exceptional vehicle movements taking place between  0500 and2000 onMondaystoFridays,0500 to2000 onSaturdays, with no vehicle movements on Sundays,Bankand PublicHolidays; receiptof WasteCollectionAuthority and WasteDisposalAuthoritywaste(includingthatwhichithascontractedtothirdparties)being from 0700to 1800 on Public BankHolidays (exceptChristmas Day) and on occasional Saturdayafternoonsup to1700priortoandfollowinga PublicBank Holiday (in order to meetanyexceptional service demands), 1830to 0600on MondaystoFridaysand1400 to 0000hours on Saturdayson up to  a  maximum  of  10  occasions  (nights)  per  year.       Night-time working will not take place on Bankor PublicHolidaysor onmorethantwo consecutive nights, 0800to1300on Sundayson uptoa maximumof 6occasions(Sundays) peryear).  Duringall suchextendedhours allexternaldoorsare to be keptclosedat all times,with nowastedeliveriesor transportationof materialsoffsitetaking place; the Operatormaintaining a recordof outof normal hoursworking;


            the external claddingbeing finished ingreen; use ofbuilding beingrestricted to wasteuse; waste receipt,deposit,handling,sorting,processing,storageand dispatch taking placewithin the building;  the implementation ofan archaeological watchingbrief; wastetypes beingrestrictedtothoseappliedfor in the amended application, excludingresidual (putrescible)and blackbag waste,unless in contaminantquantities; any  putrescible  (residual)  waste  received  being  removed  from  site  to  an authorisedwastedisposal facilitywithin 48hours; the submission for approval of aDustManagementPlan; rapidrisedoorsbeinginstalledand keptclosed atalltimesunlessa vehicleis enteringor leaving; the submission  for approval of  a  ground and surface water remediation  strategyto  deal  with  therisksassociatedwith contamination of the site;  the submission for approval of averificationreportdemonstratingthecompletionof worksset out in the approved remediation strategy; the measurestobe implementedifcontaminationnot previouslyidentifiedis foundto be presenton site; no infiltration of surface waterdrainage into the groundunless approved; nopiling  or anyotherfoundationdesignstaking place usingpenetrativemethodsunless approved by the County Planning Authority; acopy ofthepermissionandtheapprovedplansbeingmadeavailablein the operator'ssite office; the withdrawal ofpermitted developmentrightsunlessapproved; no crushing,screeningor shreddingof wastetaking place on site;  allvehicles,plantandmachinerybeingmaintained,  servicedand fittedwith closed engine coversand effective silencers; no external lightingbeing installedwithoutapproval from the County Planning Authority; externallightingbeing extinguished outside the operatinghours; the submission for approval of aConstruction Environmental ManagementPlan(CEMP), includingdustmitigation measures; and construction ordemolitionoperations being restricted to 0800 to1800 on MondaystoFridays, 0900to 1300 onSaturdays,with nooperationson Sundaysand BankHolidays unless approved by the County Planning Authority; and


(b)       the applicants be informed by Informative


(i)           of Local HighwayAuthorityadviseon workaffectinghighwayland;


(ii)          of Environment Agency adviceon piling/ foundation design.


(iii)         of theCoal Authority’sstandingadviceand contactdetails; and


(iv)         that they should make apre-applicationenquiryif they wish to progress the construction ofa newradio maston site,priorto anyworktaking place in orderto establish whetherthe developmentproposed requiresplanningpermission; and


(c)        the Head of Planning Applications Group be granted delegated powers to determine submissions made pursuant to the conditions imposed on the planning permission, including where there are relevant technical objections. For the avoidance of doubt, any material changes to the nature of the development hereby permitted or the above conditions will require a further planning application (either full or a variation of condition pursuant to section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


Supporting documents: