Agenda item

Proposal AS/19/705 (KCC/AS/0088/2019) - 2 FE primary School at Chilmington Green, Ashford; KCC (Gen2)


(1)       Mr P Bartlett informed the Committee that he was a Member f Ashford BC which had commented on the proposal.  He had taken no part in its discussions of the proposal and was able to approach the determination of the application with a fresh mind.


(2)       The Principal Planning Officer reported comments received from the Local Member, Mr C Simkins in support of the proposal.


(3)       In agreeing the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group, the Committee added Informatives encouraging the School to make the sports hall available for community use and to increase the number of cycling spaces in order to encourage sustainable transport.


(4)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)          permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering a3 yeartime limitfor implementation;  the developmentbeing carriedout inaccordance withthe permitteddetails;  the  submission  and  approval  of  details  of  all  materials  to  be  used  externally, includingdetailsof joinery,colourfinishes,depth of reveals,and detailsof the jointing ofthe claddingpanels;  the submission andapproval ofdetails ofall externallighting,includinghours of operation; thesubmission andapprovalof aschemeof landscaping,includingdetailsof tree planting,softlandscaping,fencing and hardsurfacing; the  submission  and  approval  of  a  School  Travel  Plan  within  six  months  of occupation, and its  ongoingmonitoring andreview thereafter;  the provisionand retentionof carparking,accessand circulationspace,including 5 electricvehiclecharging bays,prior tofirst occupationof theschool; the provisionand retentionof coveredcycle parkingprior tofirst occupationof the school; theprovisionand retentionof vehicleand pedestrianaccesses andvisibilitysplays prior tofirst occupationof theschool; allgates openingaway fromthe highway; thedevelopmentmeeting thesustainable designstandards setoutin theapplication documents tomeet aBREEAM orequivalent standardof ‘verygood’; notree or hedge removal taking placeduring thebird breedingseason; the development beingundertaken inaccordancewith thesubmitted badgermitigation proposals; noworks commencingwithin the30 metrebufferzone aroundthebadger settuntil a walkoversurveyhas beenundertaken andits results submittedand approved, together withdetails ofany furtherrequired mitigation; the developmentbeing undertakenin accordancewith thesubmitted reptilemitigation proposals; the submissionof detailsofbiodiversityenhancementmeasureswithin 6months of the commencementof thedevelopment; no developmenttaking placeoverthe PublicRight ofWay untilconfirmationof its diversion or extinguishment andcertification ofthe newroute; the submission and approval of awritten specificationand timetablefor the implementation ofa phasedprogrammeof archaeologicalwork, tobe undertakenprior tocommencementof thedevelopment; thesubmission and approval ofa detailedSustainable SurfaceWater DrainageSchemeprior to thecommencement ofthe development(other thanworks associatedwith the installationofthe foundations); thesubmission and approval ofa verificationreportprior tooccupation ofthe development(or withinan agreedtimeframe); the development ceasingif contaminationnot previouslyidentified is found tobe present atthesite; the  submissionand approvalof  a  ConstructionManagementStrategy, includingthe  hours  of working, locationof the sitecompound andoperative parking,wheel washing/cleaning facilities,lorryrouting andwaiting details,anddetails ofthe constructionaccessand managementof thesite access; and


(b)          the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)        they should prepare andsubmit theirrevised/amendedSchool TravelPlan with KentCountyCouncil's‘Jambusters’ Travel Plan          Management system;     


(ii)       theirattentionis drawnto theletter fromPublic Rightsof Waywhich contains generalinformation in respect ofworksadjacentto and/oron aPublic Right ofWay;


(iii)      they are encouraged to make the sports hall available for community use; and


(iv)      they should seek to increase the number of cycling spaces available in order to encourage sustainable transport.


Supporting documents: