Agenda item

Proposal DOV/19/01120 (KCC/DO/0195/2019) - Demolition of existing school buildings and erection of a part 3, part 4-storey teaching block with attached sports hall and associated hard and soft landscaping, a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) together with parking and ancillary works at Dover Grammar School for Boys, Astor Avenue, Dover; KCC and Keir Construction (Southern)


(1)       Mr J Burden informed the Committee that he had surveyed the land in question for the DfE.  He would therefore not participate in the decision-making for this item. 


(2)       The Head of Planning Applications Group amended her recommendations so that the 6th, 7th and 8th conditions would specify 9 rather than 3 months.


(3)       Mr Martyn Webster and Ms Tui Sancha addressed the Committee in opposition to the proposal.  Mr Philip Horstrup (Head Teacher) and Mr Matthew Blythin (DHA Planning) spoke in reply. 


(4)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were carried (as amended in (2) above) by 8 votes to 1.


(5)       RESOLVEDthat subject toHistoricEnglanddeterminingthattheexisting buildingsare notof listablequality:-


(a)          permission be granted to the Proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard3 year timelimit for implementation; the development beingcarried outin accordance with the permitteddetails; thesubmissionand approvalofdetailsof all construction materialstobe used externallytogether with architecturaldetails,including theroofparapet,window anddoor openingsand reveals; noadditionalplantor machinerybeing installedon theroofwithout thepriorapproval of the CountyPlanning Authority;  the  removal  of  all  temporary  buildings  from  the  site  within  nine  months  of occupation of the newschool; theprovisionandpermanentretentionofthevehicleparkingspacesasshownon thesubmitted planswithin9 monthsofthedemolitionof theexistingschool; theprovisionandpermanentretentionof secure,coveredcycleparkingfacilitiesas shownon the submittedplanswithin9 months ofthedemolitionoftheexistingschool;  thevehicleandcycleparkingspacesbeing madeavailableforuse outsideof school hours in association with usingthecommunity facilities onsite; atleasttwoelectric vehicle charging pointsbeing provided on site withinthreemonthsof thedemolitionof theexistingschool(with infrastructurefora furtherthree being  made  available  for  the  future), being retained  thereafter  and kept available for electriccar use only;  thenewaccessgates fromtheexistingdrivewayservingAstorCollegebeing for maintenancepurposes onlyandnotbeing usedfor pupilor staffaccessat school dropoff orpickup times; the  submission  of  a  detailed  review  of  the  School  Travel  Plan, incorporating measuresto encouragesustainable transport; theimplementationofthesubmittedConstructionMethodStatementfortheduration of the construction activities onsite; worksonlybeingcarriedouton sitebetween0800and 1800 hours on MondaystoFridays,0900and1300 hourson Saturdays, with nooperationson Sundaysor publicholidays; details  of  a  lighting  scheme  being  submitted, including  hours  of  use,  level  of illumination and ongoingcontrol overanynewlighting on site; the submission ofa detailed surface waterdrainagescheme; the submission of  a  verification  report  covering  this  scheme  for  approval by the County Planning Authority  in consultation withtheLead Local Flood Authority; infiltrationofsurfacewaterdrainageintothegroundnot taking place other than with the written approval of the County Planning Authority,  and onlybeing usedinthoseareas where there would be nounacceptablerisktocontrolled watersorgroundstability; thedevelopmentnot commencinguntila schemetoconnectthebuildingtofoul and  surface  water  drainage  systems  has  been  submitted  and  approved  by  the CountyPlanning Authority; no furtherdevelopmenttaking place ifcontaminationnotpreviouslyidentifiedisfoundtobepresent duringdevelopment untila remediationstrategyhasbeen agreed withtheCountyPlanning Authority; furtherinvestigationbeingundertakeninaccordancewiththeGeo-Technicaland Geo-Environmental Investigationreports; nodemolitiontaking placeuntila fullrecordingof theexistingbuildingtoHistoric England Level 3requirements hasbeenmade,including a photographicrecord; nodemolitiontaking placeuntila buildingrecordingof thethreesetsof World War 2 air- raid sheltershas beenundertaken; nodevelopment commencinguntil aprogrammeofarchaeologicalworkhas been submitted andagreedinwriting bythe CountyPlanning Authority; nodevelopmentcommencinguntildetailsofa receptorsiteforthetranslocation of reptiles hasbeen approved in writingby the CountyPlanning Authority; the recommendations setoutintheEcologicalImpactAssessment fortheprotection, mitigation and compensationforimpactstobatsbeing carriedout; mitigationmeasuresforbadgersbeing carriedoutinaccordancewiththe recommendationsof theEcological ImpactAssessment; the safeguarding measures fortheLocalWildlifeSitebeing undertaken in accordancewiththe Ecological ImpactAssessment; detailsof the measures to secure ecological enhancement being submitted within6 monthsof thedateofthispermission; LeneysFieldbeing boughtbackintouse priortofirstoccupationof thenew school, with the landbeing retained and maintainedforplaying field use thereafter; aschemeof ongoing maintenanceand managementofLeneys Fieldbeing submittedtotheCountyPlanningAuthority priortooccupationof the new school in order to ensure thatpublicaccess does notundermine itsroleas a sportsfacility; the submission to theCountyPlanningAuthoritypriortooccupationof the school of a Community Use Agreementfor communityuseofthesports facilities, changing facilities and on-sitecar parking in agreement with Sport England; theprotectionandretentionof all thetreeson site which arenotshowntobe removedwithin the application; thesubmissionofa methodof construction, including protectionforthetreeswhoseroot protection areaswould be encroached uponby thedevelopment; the  submission  of  a  detailed  soft  landscape  scheme,  detailing  native  species planting and speciessuitable for bee pollination; and the replacement of any plants, treesor shrubsthatdie or areremoved within 5 yearsof planting; and




(b)           the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)        they need toensurethatallnecessaryhighwayapprovalsandconsentsare obtained;


(ii)      they need toensurethatworksto treesare carriedoutoutsideof thebreedingbirdseasonand, if this isnot possible, that an ecologist examines the sitepriortoworkscommencing;


(iii)      theywill be providedwith and should followtheCL:AREdefinitionof wasteforthe removal of materialsfromthesite;


(iv)     contaminatedsoil thatis,ormustbe,disposedofiswasteandthat itshandling, transport, treatment anddisposal is therefore subject to wastemanagement legislation.


Supporting documents: