Agenda item

Capital Programme 2020-23 and Revenue Budget 2020-21 (including Council Tax setting 2020-21)


(1)   The Chairman reminded all Members that any Member of a Local Authority who was liable to pay Council Tax, and who had any unpaid Council Tax amount overdue for at least two months, even if there was an arrangement to pay off the arrears, must declare the fact that they are in arrears and must not cast their vote on anything related to KCC’s Budget or Council Tax.


(2)  The Chairman draw Members attention to the Section 151 Officers assurance set out on page 36 paragraph 7.5 of the of the report as the budget estimates were robust and the level of reserves adequate, as required by the Local Government Act 2003



(3)       Mr Oakford moved and Mr Gough seconded the following motion:


“(i)       The County Council is asked to agree the following:


(a)       The net revenue budget requirement of £1,063.654m for 2020-21.

(b)       The 10-year Capital programme and investment proposals of £1,014.339mover three years from 2020-21 to 2022-23 together with the necessaryfunding and subject to approval to spend arrangements.

(c)       The Capital Strategy as set out in appendix 1 of this report including the Prudential Indicators.

(d)       The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement as set out in appendix 3 of this report.

(e)       The directorate capital programmes as set out in sections 1 & 2 of the draft Budget Book (white-combed) for Council approval published on 5th February.

(f)        The directorate revenue budget proposals as set out sections 3, 4 and 5 of the draft Budget Book (white-combed) for Council approval published on 5th February.

(g)       To delegate responsibility to Cabinet Members and Corporate Directors to manage the budget within the parameters set out in the Constitution and Financial Regulations.

(h)       To increase Council Tax band rates up to the maximum permitted without a referendum as set out in table 2 in appendix A of the draft Budget Book (white-combed) for Council approval published on 5th February.

(i)         To levy the additional 2% social care precept (raising an additional £14,375,896 and taking the total social care precept to £65,789,689 out of precept set out in (j) below).

(j)         The total Council Tax requirement of £749,443,400 to be raised through precepts on districts as set out in table 1 in appendix A of the draft Budget Book (white-combed) for Council approval published on 5th February.

(k)       The Treasury Management Strategy as set out in appendix 2 of this report.

(l)         The reforms to the lowest Kent Scheme pay ranges (KR2 and KR3) to a single point paying £9.35 per hour.

(m)      The governance process for the allocation of unallocated amounts within the approved budget set out in paragraph 6.1 of this report.


(ii)       In addition:


(n)       To note that the Cabinet Member for Communications, Engagement & People after consultation with the Leader and Cabinet, will determine the TCP reward thresholds for staff assessed as successful, excellent, and outstanding, and the uplift to the Kent Ranges in accordance with the 0.5%/£1,200 principles.

(o)       To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Finance (after consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate & Traded Services and the political Group Leaders) to resolve any minor technical issues for the final budget publication which do not materially alter the approved budget or change the net budget requirement. This includes approving the distribution of unallocated amounts within the approved budget set out in paragraph 6.1.

(p)       Changes made in (o) above to be reflected in the final version of the Budget Book (blue combed) due to be published in March.

(q)       To note the proposed review of reserves to be conducted by the Council’s Section 151 Officer after consultation with Cabinet and Corporate Management Team set out in paragraph 5.36.

(r)        To note the Section 151 Officer’s opinion on the robustness of the budget estimates and the level of reserves held by the Council.

(s)       To note the uncertain financial outlook for later years in the absence of a multi-year settlement from government

(t)        To note the development of an outcome-based budgeting approach from 2021-22 onwards

(u)       To note reviews to the realignment of base budgets and treatment of

unallocated amounts in future year’s budgets.


Children, Young People and Education Directorate


(4)       The Cabinet Member for Education and Skills and the Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services introduced the budget for this Directorate prior to a general debate.


(5)       Mrs Dean proposed and Ida Linfield seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: Increase the ‘Children in Need - Care & Support’ (Section 5, line 59, page 44 of the Budget Book) by £250,000 in 2020-21 which can be used to provide a training programme aimed at school staff to help them identify young carers, provide them with some initial support and signpost them to the appropriate agencies.


Funded by: This would be funded by deducting £250,000 in 2020-21 from the £3,500,000 ‘Growth for Strategic Statement Priorities’ budget that has been set aside (listed on page 22 of the Budget Book, which sits under line 120 ‘Financing Items – Unallocated’, page 55).”


(6)       Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (5) above and the voting was as follows:


For (14)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr J Clinch, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (55)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr P Messenger, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


(7)       Mr Farrell proposed and Mr Lewis seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: Funding of shortlisted projects at the KCC facilitated serious violence hackathon 2019.


Funded by: Removal of additional data analyst post (£27,000) in the GET directorate budget as a result of Knife crime select committee recommendation.”


(8)       Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (7) above and the voting was as follows:


For (13)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr J Clinch, Mr P Cooper, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (58)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, , Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mr I Chittenden, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, , Mrs M Crabtree, , Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, , , Mrs L Game, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr P Harman, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, , Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mrs L Hurst, Mr J Kite, , Mr P Lake, , , Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr P Messenger, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, , Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright.


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


(9)       Mr Farrell proposed and Mr Burden seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: £400,000 Programme of detached youth work (4 nights per week) in each Kent district + £100,000 on associated infrastructure and equipment to assist delivery.


Detached, Universal, street-based youth work responds to the needs of often hard to reach young people and the communities in which they live.


Funded by: £500,000 reduction in cross directorate budget for conferences and meetings at third party venues.”


(10)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (9) above and the voting was as follows:


For (70)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr R Bird, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr J Burden, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mr I Chittenden, Mr J Clinch, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr D Daley, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mrs L Game, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr P Harman, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr A Hook, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mrs L Hurst, Mr J Kite, Mr G Koowaree, Mr P Lake, Mr B Lewis, Ida Linfield, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr M Whybrow, Mr J Wright


Against (0), Abstain (0)


Amendment carried


(In accordance with her declaration of interest, Dr Sullivan withdrew from the meeting and took no part in the debate or voting on the ‘Youth Services’ amendment in paragraph (9) above.)


Growth, Environment and Transport Directorate


(11)     The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, the Cabinet Member for Environment, the Lead Member for Economic Development and the Cabinet Member for Community and Regulatory Services introduced the budget for this Directorate prior to a general debate.


(12)     Mr Chittenden proposed and Mrs Dean seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: We propose a ringfenced fund of £500,000 (split over 2 years at £250,000 per annum) to be available to Kent’s Parish and Town Councils and community groups, to fund costs towards the procurement and installation of public charging points, whilst assisting them with the procurement process via a Kent-managed framework which they can access


The sum available would be capped to a maximum of £2,500 per installation, conditional on being used for off-street or on-street charging points. Where eligible, this funding can be used in conjunction with other grants


This fund will be allocated to the ‘Highway Transportation (including School Crossing Patrols)’ budget (Section 5, line 82, page 48 of the Budget Book).


Funded by: This would be funded by deducting £250,000 in 2020-21 and 2021-22 the £1m ‘County Council Climate Emergency Time Limited Debate’ budget that has been set aside (listed on page 22, of the Budget Book, which sits under line 129 ‘Financing Items – General, page 55).”


(13)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (12) above and the voting was as follows:


For (13)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr J Clinch, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (55)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mrs L Hurst, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


(14)     Ida Linfield proposed and Mr Bird seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: We propose a fund of £125,000 to be allocated for the provision of a controlled pedestrian crossing. The funds are to be used in conjunction with the Section 106 contribution to the Pilgrims Way Primary School expansion. This fund will be allocated to a new line within the Highways, Transportation & Waste capital budget (Section 2, pages 11-12 of the Budget Book).


Funded by: This would be funded by deducting £125,000 in 2020-21 from the ‘Highway Major Enhancement / Other Capital Enhancement / Bridge Assessment and Strengthening’ capital investment budget (Section 2, page 9, line 5 of the Budget Book).”


(15)     Following a short discussion, the proposer and seconder withdrew the amendment set out in paragraph (14) above.


(16)     Dr Sullivan proposed and Mr Lewis seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: £500,000 increase on highway asset management, highway drainage cleansing repairs and soakaways.


Funded by: Use £500,000 of the net £4,500,000 additional council tax base and retained business rate growth which have been used to reduce the draw down from corporate reserves in the proposed budget. (page 25 of Section 3 to the budget book). This is within Financing Items - General (Section 5, page 55, line 119).”


(17)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (16) above and the voting was as follows:


For (14)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr J Clinch, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (54)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, , Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mrs L Hurst, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (1)


Mr A Bowles


Amendment lost


(18)     Mr Whybrow proposed and Mr Chittenden seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: Provide capital funding for dedicated cycle and walking schemes of £5 million per year for three years. This to be used to support district and borough council walking and cycling strategies and schemes; identify, design and fund and match fund new schemes, including ones to link existing routes; deliver Phase 4 and 5 of the Cinque Ports Cycle Route, between Hythe and the sea wall at Dymchurch.


Funded by: Reducing by £15 million the £221,854,000 three-year budget for Highway Major Enhancements (Section 2 Capital Investment Plans by Directorate – page 9 Row 5 of the Budget Book 2020-21).”


(19)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (18) above and the voting was as follows:


For (14)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr J Clinch, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (55)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mrs L Hurst, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


Adult Social Care and Health Directorate


(20)     The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health introduced the budget for this Directorate prior to a general debate.


(21)     Ida Linfield proposed and Mrs Dean seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: We propose an increase in the ‘Community Based Preventative Services’ budget (Section 5, line 25, page 40 of the Budget Book) by £250,000 in 2020-21. Funding to continue on an ongoing basis in subsequent years. This will be used to support befriending services aimed at prevention of social isolation and onset of dementia.


Funded by: This would be funded by deducting £250,000 in 2020-21 from the £3,500,000 ‘Growth for Strategic Statement Priorities’ budget that has been set aside (listed on page 22 of the Budget Book, which sits under line 120 ‘Financing Items – Unallocated’, page 55).”


(22)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (21) above and the voting was as follows:


For (12)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (55)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr P Harman, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mr J Kite, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


(23)     Mr Burden proposed and Mr Farrell seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: Respite care for Carers is crucial to the care of Kent’s vulnerable people and to prevent the more expensive care provided by hospitals and residential care facilities. Additional £500,000 to be added to in-house respite care to meet current demand, changing need and greater identification of Carers.


Funded by: Use £500,000 of the net £4,500,000 additional council tax base and retained business rate growth which have been used to reduce the draw down from corporate reserves in the proposed budget. (page 25 of Section 3 to the budget book). This is within Financing Items - General (Section 5, page 55, line 119)”


(24)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (23) above and the voting was as follows:


For (13)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (52)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mr P Cooper, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mr J Kite, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


(25)     Dr Sullivan proposed and Mr Farrell seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: An additional £800,000 will be spent on developing current approaches within the integrated domestic abuse service such as those supported by district domestic abusive co-ordinators and programmes such as one stop shops, recovery tool kits and perpetrator programmes as well as measures identified by the multi-agency risk assessment conference.


Funded by: Use £800,000 of the net £4,500,000 additional council tax base and retained business rate growth which have been used to reduce the draw down from corporate reserves in the proposed budget. (page 25 of Section 3 to the budget book). This is within Financing Items - General (Section 5, page 55, line 119)”


(26)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (25) above and the voting was as follows:


For (13)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Mr Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (52)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mr P Bartlett, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mr J Kite, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


Strategic and Corporate Services Directorate


(27)     The Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services and the Cabinet Member for Communications, Engagement and People introduced the budget for this Directorate prior to a general debate.


(28)     Mr Bird proposed and Mr Chittenden seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: We propose KCC commits £300,000 per annum for 3 years to commission specialist work by partner agencies aimed at identifying and addressing the causes and origins of violent behaviour and led by the Public Health Department through the Director of Public Health.  This would mean creating a new line, ‘Violence Reduction’, within the Public Health Budget sitting just above line 116 on page 54 of the Budget Book.


Funded by: This would be funded by deducting £300,000 in 2020-21 from the £3,500,000m ‘Growth for Strategic Statement Priorities’ budget that has been set aside (listed on page 22 of the Budget Book, which sits under line 120 ‘Financing Items – Unallocated’, page 55). A further £300,000 would also be set aside in both 2021-22 and 2022-23. A recurrent theme in the work to date in developing the Strategic statement is that of Kent people feeling unsafe in their local communities; we propose this money is used to address this need.”


(29)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (28) above and the voting was as follows:


For (13)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Mr Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (52)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mr J Kite, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


(30)     Mr Whybrow proposed and Mr Bird seconded the following amendment:


“Proposed spend: Increase funding to public health (Budget Book Section 5 – Revenue Budget Key Services page 54 line 112) by £300,000 to increase front-line drug and alcohol service provision. This would include establishing a naloxone pilot in an area of high-need and analysis of future long-term funding options if successful.


Funded by: Higher than anticipated council tax base (use £300,000 of the reduced draw-down from reserves on page 25 of Section 3 to the budget book).”


(31)     Following the debate, the Chairman put to the vote the amendment set out in paragraph (30) above and the voting was as follows:


For (13)


Mr R Bird, Mr J Burden, Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr D Farrell, Mr P Harman, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Mr B Lewis, Mr Ida Linfield, Dr L Sullivan, Mr M Whybrow


Against (49)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mrs M Crabtree, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mr J Kite, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mr B Sweetland, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost


(32)     As all of the amendments had either been determined or withdrawn, the Chairman put to the vote the substantive Motion (as set out in paragraph (3) above, with the addition of the amendment in paragraph 9) and the voting was as follows:


For (52)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mr P Barrington-King, Mrs C Bell, Mrs P Beresford, Mr T Bond, Mr A Booth, Mr A Bowles, Mr D Brazier, Mr D Butler, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mrs S Chandler, Mrs P Cole, Mr A Cook, Mr G Cooke, Mrs M Crabtree, Mr M Dance, Miss E Dawson, Mrs L Game, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Ms S Hamilton, Mr P Harman, Mr M Hill, Mr T Hills, Mrs S Hohler, Mr S Holden, Mr P Homewood, Mr M Horwood, Mr E Hotson, Mr J Kite, Mr R Long, Mr R Love, Mr G Lymer, Mr A Marsh, Mr J McInroy, Mr D Monk, Mr M Northey, Mr P Oakford, Mr J Ozog, Mr M Payne, Mrs S Prendergast, Mr K Pugh, Miss C Rankin, Mr H Rayner, Mr A Ridgers, Mr C Simkins, Mr I Thomas, Mr R Thomas, Mr J Wright


Against (8)


Mr R Bird, Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr A Hook, Mr G Koowaree, Ida Linfield, Mr M Whybrow


Abstain (4)


Mr J Burden, Mr D Farrell, Mr B Lewis, Dr L Sullivan


Substantive Motion carried


(33)     RESOLVED that


(i)         The County Council approve the following:


(a)       The net revenue budget requirement of £1,063.654m for 2020-21.

(b)       The 10-year Capital programme and investment proposals of £1,014.339mover three years from 2020-21 to 2022-23 together with the necessaryfunding and subject to approval to spend arrangements.

(c)       The Capital Strategy as set out in appendix 1 of this report including the Prudential Indicators.

(d)       The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement as set out in appendix 3 of this report.

(e)       The directorate capital programmes as set out in sections 1 & 2 of the draft Budget Book (white-combed) for Council approval published on 5th February.

(f)        The directorate revenue budget proposals as set out sections 3, 4 and 5 of the draft Budget Book (white-combed) for Council approval published on 5th February.

(g)       To delegate responsibility to Cabinet Members and Corporate Directors to manage the budget within the parameters set out in the Constitution and Financial Regulations.

(h)       To increase Council Tax band rates up to the maximum permitted without a referendum as set out in table 2 in appendix A of the draft Budget Book (white-combed) for Council approval published on 5th February.

(i)         To levy the additional 2% social care precept (raising an additional £14,375,896 and taking the total social care precept to £65,789,689 out of precept set out in (j) below).

(j)         The total Council Tax requirement of £749,443,400 to be raised through precepts on districts as set out in table 1 in appendix A of the draft Budget Book (white-combed) for Council approval published on 5th February.

(k)       The Treasury Management Strategy as set out in appendix 2 of this report.

(l)         The reforms to the lowest Kent Scheme pay ranges (KR2 and KR3) to a single point paying £9.35 per hour.

(m)      The governance process for the allocation of unallocated amounts within the approved budget set out in paragraph 6.1 of this report.

(n)  allocate £400,000 for a programme of detached youth work (4 nights per week) in each Kent district plus £100,000 on associated infrastructure and equipment to assist delivery to be funded from a £500,000 reduction in cross directorate budget for conferences and meetings at third party venues.



(ii)       In addition:


(n)       To note that the Cabinet Member for Communications, Engagement & People after consultation with the Leader and Cabinet, will determine the TCP reward thresholds for staff assessed as successful, excellent, and outstanding, and the uplift to the Kent Ranges in accordance with the 0.5%/£1,200 principles.

(o)       To delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Finance (after consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate & Traded Services and the political Group Leaders) to resolve any minor technical issues for the final budget publication which do not materially alter the approved budget or change the net budget requirement. This includes approving the distribution of unallocated amounts within the approved budget set out in paragraph 6.1.

(p)       Changes made in (o) above to be reflected in the final version of the Budget Book (blue combed) due to be published in March.

(q)       To note the proposed review of reserves to be conducted by the Council’s Section 151 Officer after consultation with Cabinet and Corporate Management Team set out in paragraph 5.36.

(r)        To note the Section 151 Officer’s opinion on the robustness of the budget estimates and the level of reserves held by the Council.

(s)       To note the uncertain financial outlook for later years in the absence of a multi-year settlement from government

(t)        To note the development of an outcome-based budgeting approach from 2021-22 onwards

(u)       To note reviews to the realignment of base budgets and treatment of unallocated amounts in future year’s budgets.

Supporting documents: