Please note that this report is accompanied by a number of appendices. Given their size, these appendices have been published on the County Councils website alongside the agenda and are available via the app.
(1) Mr Oakford moved, and Miss Carey seconded the following motion :
(i) consider the Inspector’s Report (see Appendix A) on the examination of the Early Partial Review (EPR) and Minerals Sites Plan (MSP) and note and accept his recommended modifications;
(ii) note the content and recommendations of the Sustainability Appraisals of the EPR and MSP; and
(iii) adopt the Kent Mineral Sites Plan and modifications to the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (as set out by the EPR) (as modified) as set out in Appendices B and C respectively.
In addition, County Council is asked to:
(iv) delegate powers to the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport to approve any non-material changes to the text of the MSP and modifications to the KMWLP (as set out by the EPR) in consultation with the Deputy Leader prior to publication.
(v) note and agree the future work activities on mineral and waste planning activities as set out in para 6.5 as the basis for a revised Local Development Scheme”.
(2) Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph (1) to the vote and the voting was as follows:
For (66)
Mrs Allen, Mr Angell, Mr Barrington-King, Mrs Bell, Mrs Beresford, Mrs Binks, Mr Bird, Mr Bond, Mr Booth, Mr Bowles, Mr Brazier, Mr Burden, Mr Butler, Ms Carey, Mr Carter, Mrs Chandler, Mr Chard, Mr Chittenden, Mr Clinch, Mr Collor, Miss Constantine, Mr Cook, Mr Cooke, Mr Cooper, Mrs Crabtree, Mr Daley, Mr Dance, Miss Dawson, Mrs Dean, Mr Farrell, Mrs Game, Mr Gough, Mrs Hamilton, Mr Harman, Mr Hill, Mr Hills, Mrs Hohler, Mr Holden, Mr Homewood, Mr Hotson, Mrs Hurst, Mr Kite, Mr Koowaree, Mr Lake, Mr Lewis, Ida Linfield, Mr Long, Mr Love, Mr Lymer, Mr Marsh, Mr McInroy, Mr Murphy, Mr Northey, Mr Oakford, Mr Pascoe, Mr Payne, Mrs Prendergast, Miss Rankin, Mr Rayner, Mr Ridgers, Mr Simpkins, Dr Sullivan, Mr Sweetland, Mr Thomas, Mr Whiting, Mr Wright.
Against (1)
Hook Mr
Abstain (1)
Whybrow Mr Hook
Motion carried
(3) Members asked that thanks be recorded to Mrs Thompson, Head of Planning, and her team for their work in developing a robust plan and also to Mr Brazier who chaired the cross-party member group.
(4) RESOLVED that:
(i) the Inspector’s Report (attached as Appendix A to the report) on the examination of the Early Partial Review (EPR) and Minerals Sites Plan (MSP) be noted and the inspectors recommended modifications be accepted;
(ii) the content and recommendations of the Sustainability Appraisals of the EPR and MSP be noted; and
(iii) the Kent Mineral Sites Plan and modifications to the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan (as set out by the Early Partial Review) (as modified) as set out in Appendices B and C respectively to the report be adopted
(iv) authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment and Transport to approve any non-material changes to the text of the MSP and modifications to the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (as set out by the EPR) in consultation with the Deputy Leader prior to publication.
(v) the future work activities on mineral and waste planning activities as set out in para 6.5 of the report be approved as the basis for a revised Local Development Scheme.
Supporting documents: