Agenda item

Application TM/19/1779 (KCC/TM/0152/2019) - Variation of Condition 7 of Permission TM/14/2728 to allow for a combined total of up to 240 HGV movements per day (120 in / 120 out ) to take place associated with all operations and uses at the site (including landfill, recycling and restoration) at Borough Green Quarry, Wrotham Road, Borough Green; Robert Body Haulage Ltd


(1)       Mr M A C Balfour informed the Committee that he had been an LEA – appointed Governor at Grange Park School which was affected by the application.  This was neither a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest nor an Other Significant Interest and he was able to approach the determination of the application with an open mind.


(2)       Mr H Rayner informed the Committee that although he was a Member of Wrotham PC which had strongly objected to the application, he would be participating as a Member of the Committee. He had previously written to Democratic Services to explain that he had excused himself from all Parish Council discussions on this matter and was therefore able to approach the determination of the application with an open mind.


(3)          The Clerk to the meeting read out a joint written representation received from Wrotham, Borough Green and Platt Parish Councils together with additional comments from Borough Green PC.  He then read out a reply on behalf of the applicants from Mr David Maher of Barton Willmore.


(4)          Mr H Rayner asked the Committee to defer consideration of the application as Wrotham School had not been consulted on the application and because he believed there were inaccuracies in the report relating to vehicular access during peak school hours which were sufficiently significant to make this course of action essential. 


(5)           The Clerk advised that, as the Chairman had already formally moved the recommendations, the Committee would need to vote on them.  Should the Committee wish to defer consideration of the application, it would need to vote against the original motion. If it did so, it would be open to Mr Rayner to propose a deferment.


(6)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were carried by 7 votes to 6.  


(7)       RESOLVEDthat:-


(a)          permission be grantedto the application to vary Condition7 of Permission TM/14/2728 to read:


HGV movements associated with  the  quarry  restoration,  landfill  and recycling operations shall, together, not exceed 240 HGV movements per day (120 in / 120 out);”


(b)       all other  conditions  previously  imposed  on  Permission TM/14/2728 be re-imposed (updated where relevant to reflect current practices). These extant conditions cover operations ceasing by 21 February 2042 or upon the completion of restoration of the quarry; the cessation of all earlier recycling operations permitted on site; hours of operation being 0700 and 1800 hours on Mondays to Fridays and between 0700 and 1300 hours on Saturdays; no HGVs leaving the site during peak school travel times (term time 0800 to 0845 and 1500 to 1545 on Mondays to Fridays during term time); wheels and chassis cleaning; HGVs being sheeted / covered; a 10mph speed limit on the haul road; the implementation of the approved dust control scheme;      noise controls (55dBLAeq.1hr daily and 70dBLAeq.1hr for temporary operations, when measured at any noise sensitive property); maintenance of a noise attenuation bund; operation of the recycling plant and equipment within the void (below 70 metres above ordnance datum (AOD)); crushing and soil screening operations not taking place simultaneously; records of all HGV movements being maintained; all HGVs associated with the restoration, landfill and recycling operations making a left turn out of and a right turn into the site (i.e. all HGVs being routed to the north via the A227 Wrotham Road);and


(c)       theapplicantbe advised by Informativethat separateapprovals are required fromthe HighwayAuthority forany worksaffectingpublicly ownedhighwayland.



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