Ms C Selkirk, Director of Health Improvement, Kent and Medway CCG, was in attendance for this item at the invitation of the committee.
Mr J Wright declared that he was a KCC–appointed Partner Governor of the Medway Hospital Trust.
1. Ms Selkirk introduced the report and apologised to the committee for the concerns expressed about review process at its March meeting. She assured the committee that the new CCG was committed to addressing these concerns by engaging with the committee and the public. The CCG would expand and develop its new model to clarify what was proposed in it and the review. It would now take the opportunity to review, speak to the public and clinicians and come back to the HOSC in March 2021 to set out the new model, including the role of the Frank Lloyd unit in relation to that new model.
2. Ms Selkirk explained that the Frank Lloyd unit was never intended to be an inpatient unit; it was an assessment unit, with a flow-through rather than resident patients. Any inpatient care needed would be provided by KMPT. The CCG believed that the care model provided for patients had value and followed national guidelines. Patients were now being seen in similar services in the community. She accepted that the previous CCG had got the review process wrong and asked that the new CCG be given the opportunity now to put it right and bring the issue back to the committee’s March 2021 meeting, rather than a referral being made to the Secretary of State.
3. The committee made the following comments:-
a) concern and disappointment were expressed at the lengthy process followed by the previous CCG in considering the future of the Frank Lloyd unit, the CCG’s intransigence and the lack of notice taken within that process of the committee’s views. Members asked that this be made known to the Secretary of State and the NHS, at the highest level;
b) examples were given of a number of patients with complex needs occupying beds at Maidstone Hospital who could benefit from moving to the Frank Lloyd unit. The previous CCG had been asked to look favourably at keeping the Frank Lloyd unit open as part of the review of services for elderly and dementia patients and to make the best use of elected Members’ local knowledge about local people’s needs;
c) the Frank Lloyd unit was still a relatively new building with modern facilities and should continue to be used;
d) a plea was made that the NHS put every effort into getting the future process right, and that the Frank Lloyd unit be used as an interim measure during the period of review. No assumptions must be made about the outcome of the review;
e) concern was expressed about where patients would be discharged to from the Frank Lloyd unit and how they would be cared for afterwards, as many would need ongoing nursing care, some 24 hours a day; and
f) it was suggested that the committee could still make a referral to the Secretary of State if the outcome of the second review did not bring its desired result.
4. Ms Selkirk thanked Members for their comments and undertook to look at all options. She added that a wide range of stakeholders would be consulted in the review and the outcome reported back to the committee in due course.
5. The Chairman summarised the points made and offered a form of words for a recommendation. This wording was discussed by the committee and adjustments made to more closely reflect the concerns raised during debate.
6. The Chairman then proposed and Mr Bowles seconded the following wording: “The committee notes the next steps (set out on page 43 of the agenda pack) and would like to add that the Frank Lloyd unit be kept available until the review is completed. The committee will write to the Secretary of State to express its concern over the process undertaken by the previous CCG, which led to the suspension of the Frank Lloyd unit.” This was agreed without a vote.
7. It was RESOLVED that the next steps (set out on page 43 of the agenda pack) be noted and that the committee add that the Frank Lloyd unit be kept available until the review is completed. The committee will write to the Secretary of State to express its concern over the process undertaken by the previous CCG, which led to the suspension of the Frank Lloyd unit.
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