Agenda item

Proposal SW//20/501709 (KCC/SW/0079/2020) - New two-storey teaching block of 8 classrooms with associated facilities, a new nursery block and reception external play space; and ancillary parking at Sunny Bank Primary School, Sunny Bank, Murston, Sittingbourne; KCC Children, Young People and Education


(1)       The Head of Planning Applications Group informed the Committee of late representations from a local resident raising questions about the application, including why the car park was to be fenced off, whether the additional spaces could be accommodated, traffic and parking concerns, loss of trees and flooding.  The correspondence proposed that an eco-friendly approach should involve the construction of a purpose-built school. 


(2)       Mr J Clinch was present for this item as the Local Member and spoke.   


(3)       The Clerk to the meeting read out representations from Mr James Hall (the Local Borough Councillor) and the response on behalf of the applicants from Mr Ben Sherreard (KCC Infrastructure).


(4)       In response to the representations made by Mr Clinch and Mr Hall, the Head of Planning Applications Group confirmed that there had been no change to the original planning application and that the Land Registry title deeds showed that the land in question was held for Education purposes.   She confirmed that it was not held by KCC as highway land. 


(5)       On being put to the vote, the recommendation of the Head of Planning Applications Group were unanimously agreed.



(6)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)       permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions coveringcommencementof the developmentwithin threeyearsof planningpermissionbeing granted; thedevelopmentbeing carriedout inaccordancewith thepermitted details; no phase of the development beginning untila detailedsustainablesurfacewater drainageschemefor thesitehas beensubmitted to andapproved inwritingby the localplanningauthority;  the submission for approval in writing by the County Planning Authority of a Construction Management Plan prior to commencement of the development, and its implementation for the duration of construction;  the provisionand permanentretentionof cycleparkingfacilitiesandvehicleparkingspaces asshownon thesubmitted plans, includingthe Electrical Vehicle (EV)chargingpoints priorto theuseof thesitecommencing; the provision of the access details shown on the submitted plans priorto occupationof thedevelopment; gatesbeing hungto openaway fromthe highway; the submission for approval of  a  SchoolTravelPlanprior to  occupationof  the development. ThisTravelPlan remainingin forcefor thedurationof theapproved use,with anannualreview taking place fora minimumof 5 years;  the submission for approval by the County Planning Authority of details of measures showing how the development will enhance biodiversity within6 monthsof thedevelopmentcommencing; nodevelopmentcommencinguntila remediationstrategy todealwith therisks associatedwith contaminationhas beensubmittedto, andapprovedin writingby, the County Planning Authority; a verificationreportbeing submittedfor approval in writingby theCounty PlanningAuthority,demonstratingthecompletionof workssetout inthe approved remediationstrategyand theeffectivenessof theremediation; if,during development,contaminationnot previouslyidentifiedis foundtobe present atthe sitethen nofurther development (unlessotherwise agreedin writingwith the localplanningauthority)shallbe carriedout untila remediationstrategydetailinghow thiscontamination willbedealtwith hasbeensubmitted to,and approvedin writing by,the localplanningauthority; nodrainagesystemsfor theinfiltration ofsurfacewaterto theground beingpermitted other thanwith thewrittenconsentof theCountyPlanningAuthority; no pilingusing penetrativemethodsbeing carriedout otherthan withthe written consentof theCounty Planning Authority; The submission for approval by the County Planning Authority of a detailed planting plan priorto commencementofdevelopment. Thisschemeis to includespecies toencouragebee pollination, and the provision fortrees withinareasof hardstanding shouldinclude detailsof appropriateunderground infrastructureto ensurethat they thrivein the long term; the replacement of anytreeslostas aresultof theproposalsbeing with thoseof asimilar sizeand appropriatespecies.Any treesor plantswhichdie, areremoved orbecomeseriously damaged /diseased withina periodof five years fromthe completionof thedevelopment are to bereplacedin thenextplanting seasonwith othersof similarsizeand species unlessthe County PlanningAuthority giveswritten consentto any variation; the submission for approval by the County Planning Authority of a tree constraintsplan inaccordancewith BS58372012:Treesin Relationto Design, Demolitionand Constructionbefore constructionwork beginson siteinorder toinformany designwork; detailsof anytrenchesor servicesin thefenced-offRoot ProtectionAreas requiringthe priorconsent ofthePlanning Authority, withall trenches beingdugand backfilledby hand,andany treeroots encounteredwith adiameter of25mmor more beingleftunsevered; anytree /shrub/ hedgeremovals proposedas partof thisschemebeing carried outoutsideof the birdnestingseason(1stFebruary to31st Augustinclusive);and all planting,seedingor turfingcomprisedin theapproveddetails of landscaping beingcarriedoutin thefirst plantingand seedingseasonfollowingthe occupationof the siteorthe completionof thedevelopment,whicheveristhe sooner; and


(b)       the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)            it is their responsibilityto ensurethat beforethe developmentiscommenced, allnecessaryhighway approvalsandconsentsare obtained and thatthe limitsof the highway boundaryare clearlyestablished inorderto avoidany enforcementactionbeing takenby theHighway Authority; and


(ii)           it isan offenceunder section of the Wildlifeand CountrysideAct 1981 (as amended) to remove,damage ordestroythe nestof any wildbird whilethat nestis inuseor beingbuilt.Planning consentfor adevelopment doesnot providea defenceagainstprosecution underthisAct.Treesandscrubare presenton theapplicationsiteand areassumedto containnestingbirds between1st Marchand 31stAugust,unlessa recent surveyhasbeenundertakenby a competent ecologistandhas shownthatnestingbirdsare notpresent.



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