Agenda item

Application TM/88/1002/RVARA (KCC/TM/0121/2020) - Details pursuant to Conditions 4,7,8,12,17 and 27 of Permission TM/88/1002 relating to 5-year schemes of working restoration and aftercare, prior approval for static replacement processing plant and ancillary mobile plant and ancillary mobile plant and equipment, amended internal road layout, replacement weighbridge and weighbridge office, wheel wash, storage and staff welfare facilities and updated schemes of blasting and blast monitoring at Blaise Farm Quarry, Blaise Quarry Road, Kings Hill, West Malling; Gallagher Aggregates Ltd


(1)          Mrs T Dean, MBE was present for this item and addressed the Committee as a Local Member. 


(2)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were carried by 11 vote to 0 with 1 abstention.


(3)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)      approval be given to the application subject to the conditions which are set out below:-


(i)               the details  hereby  approved  shall be  implemented  as  approved  unless otherwiseagreed beforehand inwriting bythe CountyPlanningAuthority (Reason: Forthe avoidanceof doubtand toensurethat thedevelopmentis carriedout inaccordancewiththe approvedplansand details);


(ii)         except  for  the  temporary  operations  defined  in  condition  (iii)(below),  noise generatedfrom operationsat thesiteassociated withthe approveddetails shall notexceed55dBLAeq,1hr(freefield) asmeasured at anynoisesensitiveproperty (Reason:To ensureminimum disturbancefromoperationsand avoidanceof nuisanceto thelocalcommunity);


(iii)      for temporaryoperationssuchas soiland overburdenstripping, movement, storageand replacement,the noiselevelat anynoisesensitiveproperty shallnot exceed70dBLAeq,1hr(freefield).   Temporaryoperations thatexceedthe normalday to daycriterionshallbe limitedto atotalof eightweeksin anytwelve monthperiod at anynoisesensitiveproperty (Reason:To ensureminimumdisturbancefromoperationsand avoidanceof nuisanceto thelocalcommunity);


(iv)      Groundvibrationas aresultof blastingoperationsshallnot exceed:-


-      a peak particlevelocityof 6mm/sin 95%of allblastswhen measured over anyperiodof onemonthas measuredat anyvibrationsensitivelocation;

-      apeakparticlevelocityof 12mm/sas measuredat anyvibrationsensitive location;and

-      a peakparticlevelocityof 15mm/sat theremainsof theChapel ofSt. Blaise.

            (Reason:To ensureminimumdisturbancefrom operationsand avoidanceof nuisanceto thelocalcommunity); and


(v)       allbuildings, containersor structuresoutsidethequarry voidin thevicinityof the existingquarry officesshall beremoved when nolongerrequired for the effective workingof thequarry (Reason:For theavoidanceof doubtand toensurethat thedevelopmentis carriedout inaccordancewith theapprovedplansand details);


(b)          the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)           all conditions attachedto PermissionTM/88/1002 remainin forceand mustbe compliedwith atalltimes;


(ii)           conditions4, 7and 8of Permission TM/88/1002 require  schemes  of  progressive  working,  restoration  and  aftercare  to  be submitted toand approved bythe CountyPlanningAuthorityat intervalsof no morethan 5years.


(iii)         noworksshouldbe carriedout whichwouldin anyway affectthe currentalignmentof FootpathMR286until suchtime asthePublic Path(Diversion)Order hasbeenconfirmedandcertifiedand thedivertedroute is inplace; and


(iv)         they needto complywiththearchaeological requirementsof condition23 of PermissionTM/88/1002.  In  particular,they should ensurethat archaeological investigationstake placein accordancewith a specificationagreedwith theCountyCouncilsarchaeologicalofficers[ and


(c)        endorsement be given toan officer review and update of the “Guidance  on  blasting  at  Ragstone  Quarries  in  Kent (KCC,  May  2004)” as  a stand-alone document. This should include linksto theKCC websitewhere theblast monitoring resultscan beviewedtogether with contactdetails forGallagher AggregatesLtd (GAL) to enable individuals to address concerns directly withthe company as necessary.

Supporting documents: