1. Mr Smith introduced the report and explained that it represented a new interrelationship between the County Council and its NHS partners but emphasised that it did not replace the existing decision-making mechanism. He thanked Mat Pelling for the great amount of work he had put into establishing the new arrangements. Mr Pelling then gave a detailed summary of the background, rationale and process for developing the new arrangements and how they would be monitored.
2. Asked about the benefits of the County Council co-ordinating arrangements rather than taking on direct control of commissioning, Mr Smith explained that the integrated service model set out in the proposed decision would make the best sense to people receiving services and that the management and leadership role was the one which the County Council was required to take as a first tier local authority. The detailed contractual arrangements would be worked through as the next stage of implementing the proposed decision.
3. It was RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to:
a) enter into such agreements that are necessary with the Kent and Medway
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and other local NHS organisations to create a new strategic planning and delivery framework for Kent’s residents with a learning disability, and autistic people; and
b) delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health, to finalise and approve the formal agreements to establish the new framework,
be endorsed.
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