Agenda item

Decision 21/00035 - Reconnect: Kent Children and Young People Programme


Matt Dunkley, Corporate Director, CYPE and David Adams, Reconnect Programme Manager were in attendance for this item.


1) The Leader introduced the report advising that the programme sought to address many of the issues that had arisen for children and young people during the pandemic.  The programme was being developed at pace and work was to continue during the pre-election period.  It was hoped that the work could be taken forward following the election.


2) Mrs Chandler introduced a video regarding the Reconnect Programme and outlined the agenda report.  She said that she shared Members’ concerns about the impact of the pandemic on children and young people and core Children’s Services have been working to address some of those issues.  The Reconnect Programme was not an extension of core services but was about additionality and positivity. Thanks were given to the young people who had communicated that this was the emphasis they wanted for the programme and the views of children were to be at the heart of programme. Parents, carers, teachers and CYPE staff had worked on home learning for children during the pandemic but children had still missed out. The programme was to be ‘universal’ to all children and young people in Kent.  The 5 themes for the programme were: health and happiness; friends and community; sports activities and the outdoors; and economic well-being.


All Members were to have opportunities for their input into the programme and for conversations to take place with all of the group leaders. Partnership work with charities and all local councils was part of the programme and everyone was asked to give a year to the children.


It was intended that Reconnect would run until August 2022 and there was to be a dedicated programme team led by David Adams.


3) Mr Long said that he endorsed the Reconnect Programme and hoped that all partners would cooperate to help children reconnect with learning and with their lives outside the home.   


4) Mr Bird said the initiative should be welcomed by everyone in Kent as it was important for children their development.  He regretted that it did not come earlier and that similar schemes had been proposed by opposition Members at an earlier stage. The Reconnect Programme was wide ranging and there was a risk that it might become difficult to manage and work needed to be done on focussing activities and looking at how best to measure their success.  KCC should ensure there was provision throughout the county as it was a universal programme.  Volunteers were being sought and there were concerns around provision of volunteers in areas of Kent where the need would be the greatest.  It was important that there was engagement with those parents and their children who would not have normally participated and it was therefore important that work was done through schools and other services to make sure every child was encouraged to take advantage of the scheme.  School staff have had an increased workload and had faced challenges in the pandemic and resources would need to be provided to support programme.


5) Mr Dunkley said that young people had made a lot of sacrifices during the pandemic to keep other safe and the Reconnect Programme was about reconnecting them to things that they may have missed or may aspire to do.  It was hoped through the project to involve everyone across Kent and KCC, as the strategic authority for children was to work with every part of the community, public sector and voluntary sector to give a year and two summers of activities for children. Children would be connected to activities through services offered directly through KCC and through schools’ knowledge of their children and families. Children were to be offered a ‘blended menu’ of catch-up learning as well as sports and activities. This approach was welcomed by schools.


6) Mr Adams summarised the recommendations outlined in the report.


7) Mrs Prendergast thanked Communications for the film that was shown at the beginning of the agenda item.


8) The Leader said that the programme would be of lasting significance to children and young people in Kent.


9) Members agreed the recommendations as outlined in the agenda report.

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