Agenda item

Verbal Updates by Cabinet Member and Corporate Director


1.    The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Mrs C Bell, gave a verbal update on the following:


Consultation for Adult Social Care Strategy - The consultation was launched on 13 September 2021 and would close on 24 October 2021.  This was the five-year vision and overarching strategy of the Making A Difference Every Day (MADE) programme.  There were three main themes – putting the person at the centre, innovation and measuring outcomes.  There would be an additional focus consultation shortly on a carers’ strategy.


Consultation for Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Services– The consultation was launched on 23 August 2021 and would close on 3 October 2021. A wide range of local charities and organisations currently delivering these services were jointly commissioned by KCC and Kent & Medway Clinical Commissioning Group.  Direct contracts with two strategic partners delivering services directly, and subcontracting to other providers, were coming to an end on 31 March 2023. Four services were included in the consultation, Live Well Kent Medway, Mental Health Housing Related Support, 24-7 Telephone and Online Support Service for Kent and Medway, and Activity Programme for Young People aged between 14-35 who have suffered from a first episode of psychosis.


Government Plans for Health and Social Care – Mrs Bell said she was speaking to colleagues and Officers in the Adult Social Care and Policy Teams to understand the proposals and potential implications for the Council, and how this may impact on budget, demand, and the delivery of services.


Digital Social Care Project - KARA – Mrs Bell said she was pleased to attend the KARA Video Carephone Celebration Event on 14 September 2021 and that, so far, 1,700 video phone devices had been deployed to vulnerable residents.  The video phone devices were initially used to keep people safe but had since been used for assessments, medication reminders, online classes, bingo and to connect with friends and family.  Feedback received had reflected the success of the device and how it was supporting health and wellbeing.


2.    The Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Health, Mr R Smith, then gave a verbal update on the following:


Kent Care Awards 2021 – Mr Smith attended the Kent Care Awards ceremony, supported by KCC and other organisations, where awards were made to direct care staff who had worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic providing essential services.


Staff Update – The recruitment of two directors, Director of Adult Social Care and Public Health and Director of Adult Social Care for East Kent, were being finalised and would complete the Operational Senior Leadership Team.


Equality – The Equality Forum held a session, facilitated by Mr McKenzie and Ms Agyepong and supported by external speakers, to encourage Officers to think differently about equality and to look at different ways of working with, and supporting, communities.  Conversations on this would continue including the consideration of equality statements.


ADASS Care Conference – Mr Smith attended the ADASS Conference on 21 September 2021 which recognised the challenges adult social care currently faced nationally.  Mr Smith said Officers were working on a paper highlighting the challenges the Council faces over the winter period and this was likely to come to County Council in November.


Prevent Team - The Prevent Team was a statutory service providing support to young people at risk of radicalisation.  A positive peer review report had been received from the Home Office highlighting the exceptional work of the team.  The report set out opportunities to involve the wider workforce in identifying individuals at risk of radicalisation.


3.    It was RESOLVED that the verbal updates be noted, with thanks.

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