Agenda item

RE Consultant Report


1.    Mrs Smith-Orr provided a verbal update and presented a series of slides from Trevor Cooling’s NASACRE workshop, ‘Where Now with World Views’, presented to RE Co-ordinators on Thursday 23 September. The presentation is attached as an appendix to the minutes. The workshop focused on the RE subject being called Religion and World Views, explained what this meant in terms of everyone having a world view and personal set of ideas, and the importance of the lived experience in comparison to the traditional and historical aspect of religion.


2.    Mrs Smith-Orr said the workshop had received good feedback and had been thought provoking and helpful for teachers preparing for Ofsted. Members of SACRE thanked Mrs Smith-Orr for organising the event.


3.    In response to a question about including world views and practical examples in a review of the RE syllabus, Mrs Smith-Orr said the syllabus was reviewed every 5 years and the progress of Religion and World Views would be considered, when timely, alongside any offer from RE Today.


4.    Mrs Smith-Orr gave an update on the Wire Award and said for future meetings this should be a standing item on the agenda. Mrs Smith-Orr said one complete application, from Natasha Brownfield at St George’s School, had been received so far. Based on the evidence received, members of SACRE agreed St George’s School had done an excellent job and should be given the award.


5.    Mrs Smith-Orr said applications had been received from several schools who had not yet submitted their evidence in support, to which she would send a reminder letter. Mrs Smith-Orr had also provided extensions to schools and suggested strategies to replace visits due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


6.    SACRE members discussed the nature of the award and suggested it could be a certificate and £25 voucher. Mrs Smith-Orr said she would discuss the detailed arrangements with the Chair outside of the meeting.


7.    Mrs Grant made a request for inclusion of the Baha’i symbol (9-pointed star) on the application form and Mrs Smith-Orr said she would see whether this was possible.


8.    Mrs Smith-Orr concluded her report by saying she had been approached by a Kent School for support in delivering the RE syllabus, and said she had arranged for Miss Pope, on behalf of SACRE, to provide help and guidance.


RESOLVED that the verbal update be noted, and the WIRE award be made to St George’s School with detailed arrangements delegated to Mrs Smith-Orr in consultation with the SACRE Chair and Interim Chair of today’s meeting.

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