Agenda item

East Kent Empty Property Initiative - Direct Purchase Scheme (Decision 07/00934)

Mr R W Gough, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Supporting Independence;  Mr N J D Chard, Cabinet Member for Finance; Mr P Raine, Managing Director, Environment and Regeneration; Mr M Austerberry, Director of Property; and Ms S Pledger, Project Manager, East Kent Empty Property Initiative, will attend the meeting at 3.45 pm to answer Members' questions on this item.  



(1)       Mr R W Gough, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Supporting Independence; Mr M Austerberry, Director of Property; and Ms S Pledger, Project Manager, East Kent Empty Property Initiative, attended the meeting to answer Members’ questions on this matter, which covered the following issues:-

No Use Empty Campaign

(2)       In answer to a question from Mr Hart, Mr Gough explained that No Use Empty was the overall campaign and this had been running for some time.  The No Use Empty campaign had a number of elements and the Direct Purchase Scheme was one of these.

(3)       The No Use Empty campaign had proved very successful in bringing empty properties back into use in all four East Kent Districts and particularly in Thanet.  It was clear that, without the campaign, many of these properties would not otherwise have been brought back into use.

Consultation with Members

(4)       In answer to a question from Dr Eddy, Mr Gough confirmed that consultation with Members had been about the principles of the Direct Purchase Scheme.  Because purchase of individual houses under the scheme often involved rather difficult negotiations with property owners, local Members could not be consulted in advance on any proposal for purchase.  However, he would be happy to inform the relevant local Member once any particular property had been acquired under the Scheme.

Alternative Options

(5)       In answer to questions from Mr Law and Mr Fullarton, Ms Pledger explained that there were other options available to local authorities for bringing empty houses back into use. 

(6)       Under s215 of the Planning Act, local planning authorities could require owners to repair dilapidated buildings.  If the owner failed to do so, the Council could carry out the works and recoup its costs by putting a legal charge on the property.

(7)       Empty Dwelling Management Orders (EDMOs) allowed local housing authorities to take over houses left empty for a long period and lease them to tenants.

(8)       The Direct Purchase Scheme had advantages over the s215 arrangements because it was less bureaucratic and was more likely to attract the co-operation of property-owners.

(9)       EDMOs were another element of the No Use Empty initiative and were used in cases where the Direct Purchase Scheme was not appropriate.

Regeneration Effect

(10)     In answer to a question from Dr Eddy, Ms Pledger explained that for every case where it was proposed to use the Direct Purchase Scheme, a business case was prepared.  This set out the objectives to be achieved and these normally included a regeneration effect as well as a financial return.

(11)     RESOLVED that:-

(a)       Mr Gough, Mr Austerberry and Ms Pledger be thanked for attending the meeting and answering Members’ questions;    

(b)       the agreement by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Supporting Independence to supply Members of the Committee with a copy of the Risk Assessment for the Direct Purchase Scheme be welcomed;

(c)        the agreement by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Supporting Independence that, in future, local Members would be advised of properties in their area which had been purchased under the Direct Purchase Scheme be welcomed.


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