Agenda item

SE/22/645 Re-cladding of existing sports hall, demolition of swimming pool building and ancillary building, and erection of single storey replacement sports and changing room facilities extension at Broomhill Bank School (Northern Site), Rowhill Road, Swanley, Kent BR8 7RP (KCC/SE/0036/2022)


1) Paul Hopkins, Principal Planning Officer outlined the report and read the statement from the local Member, Mr P Cole.


2) During discussion of the application, Members agreed the addition of informatives (as detailed below at Informatives 3 and 4) relating to the landscaping scheme and the potential for heat source pumps.


3) On being put to the vote, Mr Chittenden proposed, the Chair seconded and Members RESOLVED that:


a) Permission be granted subject to the imposition of conditions covering (amongst other matters) the following:


1. The standard three year time limit;


2. The development to be carried out in accordance with the permitted details;


3. Within 3 months of the date of the decision, details of the external materials, including colour finishes, in accordance with those set out within the application shall be submitted for the approval of the County Planning Authority, and the development shall thereafter be carried out using the approved external materials;


4. The use of the development hereby permitted shall be for school use and purposes only and shall not be made available for use by the general public;


5. The measures set out in the Construction Management Strategy dated June 2022 shall be strictly adhered to for the duration of construction operations;


6. Within 3 months of the date of this decision, details of a scheme of landscaping shall be submitted for the written approval of the County Planning Authority, and such scheme shall detail all landscaping and boundary treatments including retained or additional landscaping, and shall thereafter be implemented as approved within the first planting season following completion of the works;


7. In the event of any trees, shrubs and hedges included in the landscaping scheme, approved pursuant to condition (6) above, or any replacement trees, shrubs or hedges being removed, destroyed or dying or dead within 5 years of the planting, they shall be replaced within 12 months in the same places by large nursery stock of the same species;


8. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in such a manner as to avoid damage to any existing trees/hedges, including their root system, to be retained as part of the landscaping scheme by providing/installing tree protection;


9. Within 3 months of works commencing within the site, an ecological enhancement plan shall be submitted for the approval of the County Planning Authority, and must demonstrate how the site will be enhanced to benefit biodiversity and thereafter be implemented as approved;


10. Within 3 months of date of this decision, details of any new additional external lighting and hours of lighting operation, including the lighting of access areas, and lighting on the buildings hereby permitted, shall be submitted for the written approval of the County Planning Authority, and thereafter be implemented as approved. The external lighting scheme must adhere to the Bat Conservation Trust’s ‘Bats and Artificial Lighting in the UK’ guidance;


b) the applicant be advised by Informative that:


1. Advice that planning permission does not convey any approval to carry out work on or affecting a public highway and that engagement with KCC Highways and Transportation would be required at an early stage.


2. The applicant is reminded that, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended (section 1), it is an offence to remove, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while that nest is in use or being built. Planning consent for a development does not provide a defence against prosecution under this act. Trees, scrub, hedgerows and buildings are likely to contain nesting birds between 1st March and 31st August inclusive. Buildings and vegetation are present on the application site and are to be assumed to contain nesting birds between the above dates, unless a recent survey has been undertaken by a competent ecologist to assess the nesting bird activity on site during this period and has shown it is absolutely certain that nesting birds are not present.


3. In preparing the landscaping scheme referred to in condition (6) above, the applicant is encouraged to provide species that have berry bearing fruit to improve the potential for biodiversity interests.


4. The developer is encouraged to explore the potential for heat source pumps as part of the sustainability credentials of the scheme.

Supporting documents: