Agenda item

Kent and Medway Integrated Care System, Integrated Care Partnership and Kent Health and Wellbeing Board Update


1)    Mrs Cook and Mrs Dixon-Sherreard gave a summary of their report which addressed the development of Kent’s health and social care system and its component parts, which included a new Integrated Care Board (ICB) and multi-partner Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), following the introduction of Integrated Care Systems through the Health and Care Act 2022 in July. They explained that the Health and Wellbeing Board’s core duties, principally commissioning Kent’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA); Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS); and Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), remained unchanged. It was noted that the Act had placed a series of new requirements on the Integrated Care Board to consult the Health and Wellbeing Board, including on how the ICB had implemented Kent’s Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Board Members were reassured that the Board would continue to meet, at least annually, to meet its statutory duties and would collaborate with the Integrated Care Partnership. It was noted that the Kent and Medway of Integrated Care System was coterminous. The report’s recommendations were addressed. Concerning the Board’s membership, it was explained that following the replacement of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) with ICBs, that it was proposed to appoint two new ICB representatives in place of the two CCG representatives. In relation to the development of the Board’s terms of reference, it was explained that a refreshed draft terms of reference would be presented to the Board, for approval, at a future meeting following local and national developments and guidance. Board Members were invited to comment on how best the Board should engage with Kent’s place-based Health and Care Partnerships (HCPs).


2)    Following comments from Board Members, it was agreed that a summary of the decisions taken by the Integrated Care Partnership would be circulated to the Board for information.


3)    In response to a question from Dr Ghosh on the Board’s place-based role and the impact it could have with annual meetings, Mrs Cook emphasised the importance of developing strong Health and Wellbeing Board-HCP relationships and giving the Board an overview of HCP work and plans.


4)    The Board commented that governance duplication in the system should be reduced where possible, in order to reduce the constraint on resources and enhance integration between key health and social care partners.


1)    note the update on the development of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care System and Integrated Care Partnership;


2)    note minor amendments to the role and membership of Health and Wellbeing Boards brought about through the Health and Care Act 2022 and draft guidance;


3)    agree that it will meet once per year and only additionally if required to fulfil its statutory purpose;


4)    agree the suggested arrangements set out in section 3.16 of this report for delegation of the responsibilities for Health and Wellbeing Boards to comment on specified plans and assessments;


5)    agree that the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board will be asked to nominate up to two suitable representatives to join the Health and Wellbeing Board;


6)    note that the invitation to NHS England to nominate a local representative to join the Health and Wellbeing Board will be renewed;


7)    note that Kent Council Leaders will be asked to nominate a District Council representative to join the Health and Wellbeing Board;


8)    agree that the Terms of Reference for the Health and Wellbeing Board will be refreshed and brought to the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board for approval;


9)    share any initial views about the Board’s future relationship and links with place based Health and Care Partnerships covering the Kent area; and


10)share any initial views on the engagement of adult social care providers in the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board.

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