Agenda item

Proposed 1FE expansion of school involving demolition of blocks N & T, and the erection of a new part 2 and part 3 storey school building and visitors centre with associated landscaping works - Maidstone Grammar School for Girls, Buckland Road, Maidstone, Kent ME16 0SF


1) Mary Green, Principal Planning Officer outlined the report.


2) Mr Rayner proposed, Mr Dendor seconded and Members RESOLVED that:


Permission be granted, subject to:


The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (securing funding for the monitoring of the School Travel Plan and the agreement to fund additional bus services for the school should they be needed) and conditions covering (amongst other matters) the following:


1. The standard 3-year time limit;


2. The development to be carried out in accordance with the permitted details;


3. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the details of all construction materials set out in the submitted documents and application drawings;


4. Retention/maintenance of at least 30 car parking spaces being kept available for the use of the development outside of school times; 5. All construction and demolition works shall be undertaken in accordance with the submitted Construction Management Plan (Rev 1.3 dated 10/01/23);


6. Provision and implementation of a revised School Travel Plan that has been approved by the Planning and Highway Authorities prior to occupation, to include monitoring of bus users, encouragement of staff members to travel by non-car means, monitoring of cycle spaces, and monitoring and managing the arrival and departure of pupils, amongst other matters;


7. Travel Surveys of both staff and pupils to be undertaken annually in accordance with the submitted School Travel Plan (via the Jambusters website) and compared to the targets given. Any further mitigating measures, if the targets are not met, to be submitted to and approved by the County Planning Authority. Any identified shortfall in the bus services to be appropriately addressed in accordance with the submitted MOU regarding provision of bus services;


8. The provision of 22 secure and weatherproof cycle parking spaces prior to occupation, details of which to be agreed by the Planning and Highway Authorities;


9. Permanent retention of the on-site car parking, vehicle loading/unloading and turning facilities shown on the submitted plans;


10. Provision of measures to prevent the discharge of surface water onto the highway;


11. Provision of wheel washing facilities prior to the commencement of works on site;


12. Submission on an Ecological Enhancement Plan within 3 months of work commencing on site to be and agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority;

13. The installation of tree protection fencing prior to the commencement of development;


14. The external lights shall be controlled by a daylight sensor control and shall be switched off by 9pm at the latest;


15. Roof lights shall only be used for emergency access;


16. No infiltration of surface water drainage into the ground, other than with the written approval of the County Planning Authority and shall only be used in those areas where there would be no unacceptable risk to controlled waters or ground stability;


17. If during development contamination not previously identified is found to be present, then no further development shall take place until a remediation strategy has been agreed with the County Planning Authority;


18. No piling shall take place on site without the written approval of County Planning Authority;


19. The surface water drainage system shall be implemented as set out in the approved documents;


20. Submission of a verification report covering the surface water drainage scheme, to be approved in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority prior to occupation of the development;


21. Prior to commencement of development, the submission of archaeological field evaluation works to be submitted and approved by the County Planning Authority;


22. Implementation of a phased programme of archaeological interpretation work, prior to occupation.


23. Within 6 months of the occupation of the new School Building, Blocks N and T shall be demolished and the site made good in accordance with the approved drawings and documents.


And the following INFORMATIVES being added:


1. The registering with Kent County Council of the School Travel Plan through the “Jambusters” website following the link;


2. Advice that planning permission does not convey any approval to carry out work on or affecting a public highway and that engagement with KCC Highways and Transportation would be required at an early stage


3. The applicant be reminded of the need to protect breeding and nesting birds under the Wildlife and Countryside Act


4. Advice on risks caused by piling resulting in contamination of ground water


5. That disposal of contaminated soil should be carried out in accordance with waste management legislation


6. That the developers should refer to the Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice


7. The applicant be encouraged to explore the potential for relocation of the covered seating area displaced by the development, to elsewhere on the site and explore the possibility of moving the covered seating area to the grassed areas provided by the demolition of buildings N and T.

Supporting documents: