Agenda item

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust - Maternity Services


In attendance for this item: Tracey Fletcher (Chief Executive, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust) Rebecca Martin (Chief Medical Officer, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust) Catherine Pelley (Interim Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust) Carol Drummond (Interim Director of Midwifery East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust)


1.         The Chair welcomed the Trust members and asked Ms. Fletcher to update the committee on any matters arising since the report was written. Key updates included:


a.    A culture and leadership programme had been launched at the Trust, developed by The King’s Fund.

b.    The report from a recent CQC inspection was expected soon. The Trust anticipated this being critical.

c.    The Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) midwife training program at both William Harvey and QEQM had been withdrawn and would have a significant impact on the Trust and the students.


2.         A Member asked if there was adequate capacity to continue the level of provision with the ‘Your Voice is Heard’ initiative. Ms. Drummond confirmed that 2 senior midwives had been appointed to undertake the community engagement, and the Trust were keen for them to go out into the community as part of that. A support role had been introduced to assist the midwives and ensure sustainability.


3.         The bereavement pathway had been co-designed with those who had experienced loss. It offered a 7-day support service and had introduced a support officer to help navigate the bureaucratic processes.


4.         Members discussed the quality of the physical environment in the two hospitals. Ms Pelley acknowledged that the midwifery units were far from ideal in a modern world, with small rooms and a lack of adjacent theatres. The resource constraints were hard to overcome without significant investment. Ms. Drummond confirmed that Entonox was now available again at William Harvey following a brief issue.


5.         Ms. Pelley spoke of the withdrawn midwife program and explained that the Trust had reached out to the affected students. She confirmed they were working with the University to get accredited again with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). 32 trainees had been due to qualify that year. Out of 25 responses, 23 were looking to accept the Trust’s employment offer, subject to qualifying (which would be delayed due to the withdrawal of accreditation).


6.         The Chair asked for clarification as to why the NMC stripped CCCU the accreditation to their program. Ms. Pelley explained that one of the NMC’s roles was to set the professional standards and it was in this area they had concerns as the University were unable to adequately demonstrate those standards were being met.


7.         A Member asked why a dedicated foetal heartbeat midwife had been employed. Ms. Drummond explained that all midwives and doctors must know how to monitor a heartbeat, despite the increased use of electronics in this area. National recommendations were for all maternity units to have a dedicated midwife in place to oversee foetal heartbeat monitoring. The post would be responsible for keeping abreast of current guidance and training others.


8.         Ms. Drummond expanded on the steps being taken to change the culture within the Trust. The King’s Fund programme provided a framework and clear structure, but it was recognised the shift would likely take years.


9.         Mr Goatham from Healthwatch requested examples of work that had been achieved because of the Your Voice is Heard program. The Chair requested they be included in a future report to the Committee.


10.      The Chair offered the Committee’s support for the Trust’s bid for £60 million capital expenditure. The Trust were requested to share any helpful correspondence with the Chair via the clerk.


11.      RESOLVED that:


                      i.        the committee note the update report and

                    ii.        invite the Trust back at an appropriate time.


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