Agenda item

Early Years Review


Samantha Sheppard, Senior Commissioner (Inclusion and SEN), Christy Holden, Head of Children’s Commissioning and Christine McInnes, Director of Education were in attendance for this item.

1.    Ms McInnes introduced the report.


2.    Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:

·         There was a significant overlap between the Integrated Childrens Services portfolio and the Education and Skills portfolio, discussions would take place between both Cabinet Members before any decision was made.   

·         The sufficiency plan offered a detailed breakdown of the sufficiency across the county.

·         Value for money discussions were underway with The Education People that included benchmarking for the service.

·         There would be further key decisions that would include timelines for implementation.

·         Providers had to work within the funding available to them through the National Funding Formula (NFF).  The hourly rate granted through the NFF did not always meet the cost of providing services.

·         There would be a review of the specialist nursery intervention service level agreement (SLA) following consultation.  It was likely that the SLA would need to be extended in the short term to allow a period of transition for any changes.

·         The options to improve and encourage an inclusive culture were being considered. 

·         There was a lot of data regarding the lack of uptake.  This tended to occur more in areas of high deprivation.  There was an opportunity to do more targeted work to understand why uptake was low in certain regions and to promote what was offered more.    

·         Future reports should include what would be done to support areas of deprivation.


3.    RESOLVED to consider and note:

a.    the content of the report.

b.    the services intention to undertake a public consultation on a new model of universal, targeted and specialist support for settings, including a new process to access SENIF funding.

c.    a further decision report will be brought to the Committee on the outcomes of the consultation later this year.



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