Agenda item

23/00121 - Kent and Medway Economic Framework


1.    Mr Murphy gave an introduction to the Kent and Medway Economic Framework which was finalised in January following consultation with local stakeholders including all local District and Borough Councils.  The Framework set out high level priorities but was not a funded strategy.  The Framework would be overseen by the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership and KCC was now working with partners and stakeholders to develop an implementation plan to take forward key action areas set out within the Framework.


2.    Groups linked to the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership (KMEP) would take forward the implementation of the Framework with regular progress reviews being considered by KMEP. 


3.    Members asked questions in relation to the Kent and Medway Economic Framework, key issues raised by the Committee and responded to by the Cabinet Member and Officers included the following:


a.    In response to a question about the implementation plan, Mrs Holt-Castle explained that the Framework was a partnership strategy, and KMEP and its new subgroups would have a significant role in overseeing delivery of the Framework and the implementation plan. 

b.    It was noted that there was no financial envelope for the Framework, Mrs Holt-Castle confirmed that the KCC Economy Budget would support elements of the Framework, there was no new funding accompanying the Framework.  The Framework would support the KMEP to draw down funding from Government.   Following comments, it was confirmed that the Framework created no additional financial pressure on KCC, there was no additional funding nor any funding commitment.   

c.     A Member queried measurable targets within the Framework and Mr Samson confirmed that KMEP would be tasked with this, the Framework was high level and the action plans phase would include targets and measurable outcomes. 

d.    Members considered it vital to prioritise the development of apprenticeships and the Member asked for reassurance that links existed with the Children, Young People and Education (CYPE) Directorate in relation to this.  Mr Smith explained that the development of apprenticeships fell under the action areas identified by the Framework.  The local skills improvement plan, led by the Chamber of Commerce had started work on a plan to reform the current apprenticeship programme.  Both the CYPE and Growth, Economic Development and Communities (GEDC) Cabinet Committee would receive reports on this issue in the coming months. KCC ran a successful apprenticeship programme.  It was very important that both directorates worked together to enhance the apprenticeship opportunities for young people across Kent and Medway.   

e.    A Member commented on the recommendation to the Cabinet Member to delegate to the Director Growth and Communities to take any necessary actions, including but not limited to entering into contracts or other legal agreements as required to implement this decision Mrs Holt-Castle confirmed that all decision making would be made in accordance with the governance arrangements of the council as set out in the constitution. 

f.      In relation to risk and the consequences of partner authorities not being able to contribute resources as planned Mrs Holt-Castle confirmed that to date KMEP had been fully facilitated by KCC so if a partner organisation was unable to contribute the position would be the same as today.   A report would be submitted to the GEDC Cabinet Committee updating Members on the transfer of relevant responsibilities from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) to KCC. 

g.    In response to a comment about Kent being geographically different in economic terms to the home counties, and whether any agency measured quality of life?  Mr Samson explained that work was underway in relation to connectivity and services in Kent and Medway through Ebbsfleet and Ashford.  In relation to the measurement of quality of life; Mr Smith confirmed that Kent Analytics Team had been commissioned to assist with replacing the current dashboard of measurements of economic and social indicators to include the wider issues of quality of life.   

h.    Work was underway with colleagues in CYPE to identify why young people in Kent schools were coming out of school with lower qualifications than those in schools in neighbouring counties, the results of this work would be included in the paper to the two Cabinet Committees.

i.      Referring to the EqIA and in light of potential changes within District and Borough Councils, a Member asked whether there were contingency plans in the event that political views changed.   Mrs Holt-Castle explained that it was a high-level strategy and had been designed with the next 5 years in mind. 

j.      In response to a question about how the Framework was targeted at deprived communities, Mrs Holt-Castle explained that the WorkWell bid would focus on this, the Employment Task Force had been working with partners to determine how young people in deprived communities were supported to access work.     


RESOLVED that the Scrutiny Committee discussed and endorsed the Kent and Medway Economic Framework.

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