Agenda item

Motions for Time Limited Debate


Motion for Time Limited Debate 1 – Pension Fund Investment in Affordable Housing


1)      Ms Dawkins proposed, and Mr Stepto seconded the motion that


          “The County Council resolves to:


·      Support the principle of Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) investment in affordable housing; and

·      Recommend that the Pension Fund Committee investigates the viability of committing to a project to invest LGPS funds in affordable housing.”


2)      Mr Jeffrey declared an interest that he was a member of the Kent Local Government Pension Scheme and would not take part in the debate or vote.


3)      Mr Chard proposed and Mr Oakford seconded the following amendment to the motion set out at paragraph 1:


The County Council resolves to:

·      Support the principle of the Kent Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) investment in affordable housing having investments in a range of assets that meet their agreed strategy; and

·      Recommend that the Pension Fund Committee ask its advisors, Mercers, to further investigates the viability of committing to a project to invest LGPS funds in affordable housing.


4)      Following the debate, the Chairman put the amendment set out in paragraph 3 to the vote and it was agreed.

Amendment carried.



5)      The Chairman put the substantive motion set out in paragraph 3 to the vote and it was agreed.


Substantive Motion carried.


6)         RESOLVED that the County Council:


·      Supports the principle of the Kent Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) having investments in a range of assets that meet their agreed strategy; and

·      Recommends that the Pension Fund Committee ask its advisors, Mercers, to further investigate the viability of a project to invest LGPS funds in affordable housing.



Motion for Time Limited Debate 2 – Reforming Council Tax in England



1)      Mr Lehmann proposed, and Mr Hood seconded the motion that


“County Council resolves:


1.      To agree that the current council tax system is regressive and requires significant reform; and

2.      To recommend that the Executive write to the relevant Ministers of State to request that, for the reasons stated above, the government introduces council tax reforms in England similar to those underway in Wales.”


2)      Mr Lehmann proposed the following amendment to the motion set out at paragraph 1:


“County Council resolves:


1.      To agree that the current council tax system is regressive and requires significant reform; and

2.      To recommend that the Executive write to the relevant Ministers of State to request that, for the reasons stated above, the government undertakes work to scrap Council Tax and replace it with a fairer tax more reflective of people’s ability to pay whilst also remaining aware of the significant funding pressures facing local authorities.” introduces council tax reforms in England similar to those underway in Wales.”


3)      The Chairman put the amendment set out in paragraph 2 to the vote and the voting was as follows:


For (19)


Mr Baker, Mr Brady, Mrs Binks, Mr Chittenden, Ms Constantine, Mr Crow-Brown, Ms Dawkins, Mrs Dean, Mr Dendor, Mr Hood, Mr Hook, Mr Kennedy, Mr Lehmann, Mr Lewis, Ms Meade, Mr Passmore, Mr Sole, Mr Stepto, Mr Streatfeild


Against (28)


Mr Bartlett, Mrs Bell, Mr Booth, Mr Brazier, Miss Carey, Mrs Chandler, Mr Cole, Mrs Cole, Mr Cooke, Mr Dance, Mr Gough, Ms Hamilton, Mr Hills, Mr Holden, Mr Jeffrey, Mr Kite, Mr Love, Mr Marsh, Mr McInroy, Mr Oakford, Ms Parfitt, Mr Rayner, Mr Robey, Mr Sandhu, Mr Shonk, Mr Thomas, Mr Watkins, Ms Wright


Abstain (0)


Amendment lost.




4)      Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1 to the vote and the voting was as follows:


For (4)


Mr Hood, Mr Kennedy, Mr Lehmann, Mr Stepto


Against (37)


Mr Baker, Mrs Bell, Mrs Binks, Mr Booth, Mr Brazier, Miss Carey, Mrs Chandler, Mr Chard, Mr Chittenden, Mr Cole, Mr Cooke, Mr Crow-Brown, Mr Dance, Mrs Dean, Mr Dendor, Mr Gough, Ms Hamilton, Mr Hills, Mr Holden, Mr Hook, Mr Jeffrey, Mr Kite, Mr Love, Mr Marsh, Mr McInroy, Mr Oakford, Mr Passmore, Ms Parfitt, Mr Rayner, Mr Robey, Mr Sandhu, Mr Shonk, Mr Sole, Mr Streatfeild, Mr Thomas, Mr Watkins, Ms Wright


Abstain (6)


Mr Brady, Mrs Cole, Ms Constantine, Ms Dawkins, Mr Lewis, Ms Meade


Motion lost.



Motion for Time Limited Debate 3 – Cross-channel opportunities for young people



1)      Mr Hook proposed, and Mr Streatfeild seconded the motion that


“This Council regrets:


1.      The loss of the ability of young people from Kent and the rest of the UK to travel freely to the EU for study.

2.      The significant impact on our university sector of the loss of youth mobility, including a sharp decline in the number of European students enrolling on courses.

3.      The impact on visits to Kent from EU schools, and Kent schools to the EU, due to additional bureaucracy and associated costs.


This Council resolves to:


Request that the Leader write to the Prime Minister expressing the council’s support for:


1.      Negotiations to re-establish reciprocal mobility between the EU and UK for school trips, students and other young people.

2.      Expansion of opportunities for young people to study, teach and volunteer abroad by returning to the Erasmus + programme as an associated programme member.”


2)      Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1 to the vote and the voting was as follows.


For (12)


Mr Brady, Mr Chittenden, Ms Constantine, Mrs Dean, Mr Hood, Mr Hook, Mr Lewis, Ms Meade, Mr Passmore, Mr Sole, Mr Stepto, Mr Streatfeild


Against (30)


Mr Baker, Mrs Bell, Mrs Binks, Mr Booth, Mr Brazier, Miss Carey, Mrs Chandler, Mr Chard, Mr Cole, Mrs Cole, Mr Cooke, Mr Dance, Mr Dendor, Mr Gough, Ms Hamilton, Mr Hills, Mr Holden, Mr Jeffrey, Mr Kennedy, Mr Kite, Mr Love, Mr McInroy, Mr Oakford, Ms Parfitt, Mr Rayner, Mr Robey, Mr Sandhu, Mr Shonk, Mr Thomas, Mr Watkins


Abstain (0)


Motion lost.


Supporting documents: