Agenda item

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner's Chief Executive - Confirmation Hearing


1.    The Commissioner expressed his gratitude to Mr Harper (PCC's Chief Executive) for having supported him for over eight years, and for having worked at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for even longer, prior to the Commissioner’s appointment. Mr Harper was due to retire after 41 years of service in organisations including the Metropolitan Police, Surrey Police, Kent Police, and the Office of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner. 


2.    The Commissioner introduced his report, which described the recruitment process in detail and included information on the number of applications, the panel that considered those applications and the selection process.

3.    The Commissioner said that, at the conclusion of the selection process, he proposed to appoint Mr David Paul. His decision was unanimously supported by the recruitment panel.

4.    The Commissioner explained that, in addition to the members of the recruitment panel, an Independent Member, Ms Caroline Wells, and a member of the PCC’s senior management team, were also present. This was to ensure that the process was fair and professional. Ms Wells had an extensive background in dispute resolution and professional mediation in both the public and private sector. 

5.    A Member of the Panel asked Mr Paul to provide details in relation to his background. The background information supplied by Mr Paul (PCC's proposed Chief Executive) included:

      His extensive experience in policing, including as Assistant Chief Officer for South-East Forces, leading on technology enabled transformation.

      Assistant Chief Officer with the National Police Chiefs’ Council on Pay and Workforce issues; and Programme Director with the Metropolitan Police.

      His work with Central Government, across a range of Cabinet Office posts, including Chief of Staff for the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit.

      His experience in working across the criminal justice system, and establishing effective relationships with a wide range of partners.

      His track record in delivering savings.

      His broad experience across HR, IT strategy and development, management consultancy and collaboration.

6.    When asked about his priorities as PCC Chief Executive, Mr Paul said that a key task was to help the Commissioner make sure that the priorities of his Police and Crime Plan were delivered. This included working with partner agencies in order to reduce crime, support victims and build trust in Kent Police.

7.    In reply to a question, Mr Paul said that another key aim was to work with all the relevant organisations to deliver an efficient and effective Criminal Justice System, as this was not solely the responsibility of Kent Police. A concerted effort would ensure that a victim’s journey through the system was as swift and smooth as possible. It also meant that vulnerable people – such as those suffering from mental ill health – would receive the right support from the most appropriate agency.

8.    The Chairman thanked Mr Harper on behalf of the Panel for his excellent contribution to the work of the OPCC and gave him his very best wishes for the future.


RESOLVED: to support the appointment of Mr David Paul as the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner’s Chief Executive.


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