1) Mr Oakford introduced the budget report. The budget report was created before the announcement of the Government’s funding allocation.
2) Mr Baker added the following comments regarding his portfolio:
a) Subsidised bus services were included in the draft budget to ensure bus transportation was an option for residents and to help ensure children had transport to school.
b) Continued efforts would be made to secure external grants and to increase income where appropriate and ringfence them for transport related projects.
3) Mr Thomas added the following comments regarding his portfolio:
a) The previous savings target relating to the review of the number and operation of Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC) sites, had been removed from the draft budget.
b) Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:
c) A budgetary safety net would be implemented to ensure bus services continued as KCC could not rely on money from the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).
d) On-street parking was included in the budget because if the service was returned to KCC, 24 months' notice would be required. Discussions with district and borough councils would continue, but it was important to have the framework in place in the budget. Mr. Baker emphasised that financial and practical impacts needed consideration before any decisions could be made.
e) There were no changes to subsidised bus routes proposed in the budget.
f) In the long term, KCC’s budget was not guaranteed. KCC was planning for the future based on current knowledge through the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). More information would be available after the spending review and grant distribution details were shared by the administration. However, bus subsidies would remain as budgeted through the MTFP period.
RESOLVED to NOTE the administration’s draft revenue budgets including responses to consultation.
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