1) Mr Bickle, Principal Planning Officer outlined the report.
2) It was proposed by Chair and seconded by the Vice Chair:
That the officer’s recommendation be adopted, namely:
the imposition of conditions covering (amongst other matters) the following:
Statutory Biodiversity Net Gain Condition
• BNG – the statutory condition requiring a Biodiversity Gain Plan demonstrating a minimum of 10% net gain to be approved prior to commencement.
• Commencement of development within 3 years;
• The use shall cease no later than 30 years from the ‘date of energisation’ and the development restored thereafter within 6 months;
• Date of energisation’ to be provided to the Local Planning Authority in writing within 28 days of energisation;
Approved Plans
• Development to be carried out in accordance with approved drawings;
Prior to commencement
• Submission of an archaeological watching brief for approved and its implementation during construction;
• Submission of a pre commencement survey and review of the ecological mitigation measurers;
• Submission of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), including provision of an Ecological Clerk of Works for the construction period;
• Submission of a Construction Traffic Management Plan;
• Submmission of a detailed sustainable surface water drainage plan based on the submitted Flood Risk Assessment;
Construction controls
• No construction shall take place during the wintering bird season (October to March inclusive);
• Construction shall take place between 07:00 and 20:00 hours Monday to Friday band between 07:00 and 16:00 hours on Saturdays;
• The development shall be carried out in such a manner to avoid damage to any existing trees/hedges, including the provision of proposed buffer zones;
Prior to energisation / first operation
• Prior to energisation an updated final version of the Habitat Management Plan shall be submitted for approval and implemented thereafter;
• Submission of a verification report confirming implementation of SUDS;
• Unless updated by the Biodiversity Gain Plan, completion of the landscape planting set out in the application within the first planting season following energisation;
Operational controls
• Removal of permitted development rights;
• No external lighting shall be erected without the prior written approval;
• Repairs and maintenance shall take place between 07:00 and 18:00 hours Monday to Saturday;
• The landscape planting implemented shall be maintained and any plants/trees which die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced within the next planting season;
Decommissioning and restoration
• 6 months prior to the completion of the 30 year energisation period a Decommissioning and Restoration Method Statement shall be submitted for written approval;
• No decommissioning work to take place until a method statement for the protection of biodiversity during the decommissioning works has been approved;
• If electricity generation ceases for 6 months, or if construction works commence then cease for a period in excess of 6 months prior to being completed, all development and fixtures shall be removed and the site restored in accordance with a scheme to be agreed in written with the County Planning Authority; and
• Following decommissioning the site shall be restored to the agricultural use and condition prior to the development commencing;
I FURTHER RECOMMEND that MEMBERS ENDORSE the decision that the County Planning Authority adopts the shadow Habitat Regulations Assessment dated 11 January 2024 in satisfying the County Council’s obligations under The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2017).
3) Following questions and debate it was agreed that the following additions be made to the motion:
a. A new condition be added to the ‘Prior commencement’ conditions that required submission of details about the fencing, including the colour.
a. The applicant should explore the potential for a local liaison group with the Parish Council and interested stakeholders.
4) Upon being put to the vote, the amended motion was declared CARRIED.
Supporting documents: