Agenda item

Follow-up Items from Cabinet Scrutiny Committee


Mr Truelove referred to the answer given on the “Freedom Pass” and stated that it clarified his comments at the previous meeting; that there are young people who live in Kent who are excluded from the scheme because they do not attend a school within Kent County Council’s administrative area.  It was not intended as a bus to school it was to allow young people the freedom to travel.  Mr Truelove stated that it was a deliberate policy to create a disincentive for young people to choose to go to schools outside of Kent’s administrative area.  It was accepted that it was a very good scheme but it was immoral to apply the scheme to young people in Kent but not to those who attend schools outside of Kent’s administrative area despite the fact that their parents pay council tax to Kent County Council. 


Dr Eddy queried whether there might be human rights issues relating to the scheme on the basis that if you’re within one jurisdiction you should be entitled to all the rights available within that jurisdiction.  It was suggested that the Monitoring Officer be consulted over the legalities of the scheme.


Mr Cowan stated that the Freedom bus pass was not solely about going to school in Kent, it was a 7 day freedom pass for young people who live in Kent. 


Mr King explained that as he understood the Freedom Pass was available to young people who were in Kent, not specifically related to travel to and from school.  He requested that it be clarified by Mr Ferrin. 


Mr Northey expressed his view that it was a brilliant scheme, in his opinion it was a not human rights issue, he asked that the Committee look, with Mr Ferrin’s assistance, how far it may be possible to extend it. 


Mrs Dean agreed that it was a brilliant and wonderful scheme but it was clearly possible to improve in the light of experience.  One of the reasons it was proposed by the Select Committee was for the added advantage to young people for out of school activities and to enjoy the right to visit facilities around Kent during the evenings.  Mrs Dean asked that the Committee request that Mr Ferrin provide a complete and accurate minute relating to the policy, including whether we are funding children that live outside Kent but who attend school within it.  Once the Committee had received the policy Members could then have an informed debate. 




(1)   A letter be sent to Mr Ferrin, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste in the names of the Chairman and Spokespersons of the Committee drawing his attention to the following concerns:

a.      The eligibility under the scheme of children who live within the administrative county of Kent but who travel outside of the area to attend school;


b.      The possible adverse impact on the lawful rights of a number of young people to travel freely, together with details of the number of young people affected by what the Committee believes is an anomaly within the current scheme;


c.      An assessment of the degree to which the scheme is promoted across Kent and the takeup of the scheme particularly in areas of relative deprivation;


(2)   Mr Ferrin be asked to formally respond to these concerns and to advise if and when the ‘Freedom Pass’ scheme is to be reviewed and how any review will be carried out;


(3)   Draw Mr Ferrin’s attention to the fact that, subject to his formal response to this letter the Chairman and Spokespersons of this Committee will consider whether to place an item on the next Committee agenda so that a full debate on the subject can take place.

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