Agenda item

Application TM/08/3715 - Variation of Condition 6 of Permission TM/06/2171 to allow additional vehicle (HGV) movements to and from the site (an increase from 110 to 182 movements per day) at Borough Green Quarry, Wrotham Road, Borough Green; Cemex UK Materials Ltd


(1)                Correspondence from Mrs V J Dagger, the local Member was tabled.


(2)       The Head of Planning Applications Group informed the Committee of two Planning Policies that should have been specifically referenced in the report. These were: Policy C3 of the emerging South East Plan and Policy EN4 of the Kent and Medway Structure Plan (2006).


(3)       The Head of Planning Applications Group reported the further comments of Wrotham Parish Council and Borough Green Parish Council together with the comments of the South East England Regional Assembly. The latter raised no objection subject to the Highways Authority and Highways Agency being satisfied with the proposal and to the imposition of Air Quality and Noise Mitigation measures.  She also reported that Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council had not commented on the proposal.


(4)       Mr M Taylor from Borough Green Parish Council, Mr H Rayner from Wrotham Parish Council and Mr R Saunders from Keep Boroughs Green addressed the Committee in opposition to the Application. Mr A Scott from Cemex spoke in reply on behalf of the applicants.


(5)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)    permission be granted to the application subject to all other conditions and informatives attached to Permission TM/06/2171 being repeated (with minor amendments as necessary) and to Conditions (5) and (6) of Permission TM/06/2171 being reworded as follows:-


                        “Condition 5:  Unless otherwise agreed beforehand in writing by the County Planning Authority, HGVs associated with the quarry restoration, landfill and recycling operations shall not leave the site during school term time at Wrotham School between the hours of 0800 and 0845 and 1500 and 1545 Monday to Friday. In addition, the operator shall use its best endeavours to prevent HGVs arriving at the site during these periods. For the purposes of this condition “best endeavours” shall include the operator informing its customers of the above restrictions, requesting that they comply with them and only allowing HGVs to exceptionally enter the site during these hours when not to do so would lead to HGVs parking or queuing on Wrotham Road whilst waiting to enter the site.”  (The reasons for this condition are the interests of both highway safety and local amenity and the avoidance of unnecessary conflict with other road users at the start and end of the school day.)


 “Condition 6: HGV movements associated with the quarry restoration, landfill and recycling operations shall, together, not exceed 182 HGV movements per day (91 in / 91 out).” (The reason for this Condition is to limit the total number of HGV movements associated with operations at the site in the interests of highway safety and local amenity; and pursuant to Kent and Medway Structure Plan Policies TP15, WM2 and MN2 and Kent Waste Local Plan Policies W18 and W22.); and


(b)       the applicant be invited to submit further applications to amend the requirements of conditions attached to Permissions TM/93/305 and TM/01/1205/MR86, as amended by Permissions TM/08/2981 and TM/08/3175, to provide consistency with the restrictions set out in Condition 5 (as amended in paragraph (a) above.)


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