Agenda item

Proposal MA/08/2186 - Demolition of existing school buildings, erection of new Academy, re-provision of outdoor playing pitches, new four court multi-use games area, car parking spaces, bicycle spaces, strategic landscaping works and associated circulatory access roads at Cornwallis Academy, Hubbards Lane, Maidstone; KCC Children, Families and Education


(1)       Mrs PAV Stockell made a declaration of personal interest as she had previously given her views on the proposal at a meeting of Maidstone Borough Council. She gave her views as the local Member but took no part in the decision-making.


(2)       Mrs S Thompson, Head of Planning Applications Group declared an interest as the Chair of the Parent Forum of Cornwallis School and as a parent pf a pupil at the School.  She therefore did not advise the Committee on the proposal. The Principal Planning Officer, Mr J Crossley acted as the Lead Officer for this item.


(3)       Correspondence from Coxheath Parish Council, Linton Parish Council and from Mr M Stevens, Clerk to Linton Parish Council was tabled.


(4)       The Transport and Development Business Manager advised that a crash remedial scheme for the A229/ Heath Road crossroad had been designed and had been proposed for construction in 2010/11.  He also advised that cycling strategies were likely to be developed in the near future.  These schemes and strategies were, however, independent of the proposal under discussion.


(5)       In agreeing to permit the proposal, the Committee agreed to include an Informative to advise of its view that the crash remedial scheme and cycling strategies should be progressed at the same time as the permitted development took place.


(6) RESOLVED that:-


(a)       permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions including conditions covering the standard time limit; the development being carried out in accordance with the permitted details; the submission of details of all materials to be used externally, including the submission of details of door and window reveals; details of all external lighting; rating noise level from the plant not exceeding the existing LA90 when measured at the nearest residential property; a scheme of landscaping, including hard surfacing, its implementation and maintenance; measures to protect those trees to be retained; an Arboricultural Method Statement; a bat survey being undertaken prior to demolition of the existing school buildings; a habitat/biodiversity enhancement strategy, including monitoring and management; protection of badgers from construction activities; no tree removal during the bird breeding season; the development according with the recommendations of the ecological survey; details of fencing, gates and means of enclosure, including colour finishes; archaeological works; “Secured by Design” principles being adopted; a BREEAM rating of ‘Very Good’ being achieved; the playing field being provided and marked out as shown on the proposed site plan; a community use agreement relating to use of the indoor and outdoor facilities, including hours of use and nature of use; the provision of car parking, cycle parking, access and turning areas; details of cycle parking design and phased implementation; promotion of a Traffic Regulation Order and a contribution of £2000 if successful; preparation, submission for approval, implementation and ongoing review of a revised School Travel Plan; provision of visibility splays, including improvements to the visibility splays at the sites exit; details of foul and surface water drainage; control of discharge of foul/contaminated drainage; survey work regarding land contamination; no floodlighting being erected on the multi-use games area, or elsewhere on the site, without the written permission of the County Planning Authority; hours of working during construction and demolition being restricted to between 0800 and 1800 Monday to Friday and between the hours of 0900 and 1300 on Saturdays, with no operations on Sundays and Bank Holidays; the development being carried out in accordance with the submitted construction management plan; and measures to prevent mud and debris being taken onto the public highway; and


(b)       the applicants be advised of the following informatives:


(i)                 Sport England should be consulted by the applicant to ensure that the proposed sporting facilities are designed to satisfactory technical standards.  Attention is also drawn to the relevant Sport England Guidance Notes providing technical advice on the appropriate standards for the sports facilities;


(ii)               account should be taken of the comments made by the Environment Agency relating to drainage, contamination, and storage of fuel, oil & chemicals;


(iii)       account should be taken of the Informatives made by Maidstone Borough Council;  and


(iv)        the view of the Committee that the proposed crash remedial scheme and cycling strategies should be progressed at the same time as the permitted development takes place.

Supporting documents: