Agenda item

Admissions Code Consultation Update (Scott Bagshaw)


(1)       Mr Bagshaw requested that these items be considered together and circulated additional documents relating to consultation on the 2010 admissions arrangements.

(2)       Mr Vye referred to his papers submitted with the agenda and advised the Members that he had looked at the Admissions Code Consultation document and had made his own comments as the Forum had not had time to comment.  He had wished to see the Admissions Forum continue especially in Kent with its differences and the need at times for a consensus view to be reached.  He also referred to its scrutiny role.

(3)       Mr Bagshaw reported that the DCSF were hoping to have the new Code out in January 2009 with the anticipated implementation in early February 2009 in line with the proposed schemes although there was some resistance to this by the London Authorities.  He reported that a version of the new Code was likely to be available for viewing on line in December.  He also reported that if Kent was to deliver its testing before preference, the date could not be moved back to the third week in October 2009.  He anticipated that early November 2009 would be the closing date or at least be allowed data for Local Authorities where testing takes place.

(4)       Mr Bagshaw referred to scheme consultation document circulated and advised that Kent LA ordinarily had undertaken its consultation in November, but that the new regulations stated that this should be for eight weeks and not before 1 December but must be completed by 1 March.  Mr Bagshaw commented on the pressure of administration analysis and getting through Cabinet to publish the admission arrangements in time.  The DCSF had been lobbied on this point and Kent’s views has been expressed.

(5)       Mr Parr confirmed that the Roman Catholic Diocese schools had been asked to come back with the information by the end of November and to get this out by January.  Mr Bagshaw acknowledged this and advised that he would be happy to liaise and communicate as effectively as possible to deal with the new arrangements.  He advised that he would be happy to visit schools and governors if necessary.

(6)       Mr Vye invited comments on Mr Bagshaw’s presentation.

(a)       In reponse to Mrs Matthews, Mr Bagshaw confirmed that he would be placing an advertisement in the free papers drawing parents attention to the process involved.

(b)       Mr Vye referred to the Admissions Code and Published Admissions Number issue where the Code says this can be increased if it does not harm other schools but it is in contradiction with its views on the impact on schools.  Mr Bagshaw agreed that this was one of the difficulties where different people are writing different parts of the Code.  He confirmed that this concern had been made to the DCSF as part of the LA’s response particularly with regard to the impact this could have on a community if its locally based schools were closed.

(7)       Mr Bagshaw requested comments on the consultation arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools by Thursday, 27 November 2008.  He advised that there were no changes proposed to the Primary Scheme but that there may be changes when the new Code comes out.