Agenda item

Kent Highway Services

To consider traffic issues in Faversham Town Centre, including pedestrian schemes and traffic flows.  Information on the current legal status within the town centre with regard to enforcement will also be provided.




The Head of Environment and Amenities (SBC) reminded the Forum that the Swale Joint Transportation Board had considered the options for traffic flows in Faversham town centre. He explained that the option to reverse the direction of flow of traffic in Preston Street and maintain the one way direction in East Street had been agreed. He explained that some initial work had been carried out but more detailed design and surveys needed to be done. This was dependent on the Section 106 contribution from the developers.


A Member advised that a working group had been set up which included County, Borough and Town Councillors to look at the future changes within the town centre.


Mr Forsyth raised concern with the amount of time that was being taken to move the scheme forward.


The Head of Environment and Amenities advised that there was no further funding identified for the scheme. He explained that at the moment any work that was being done was being carried out within current staff resources. In response to a request for more details of the proposed option, the Head of Environment and Amenities provided this. He explained that an option to close the town centre had been considered, but this had raised issues of access to both delivery vehicles and disabled users. The scheme had been chosen as it looked at reducing the amount of through traffic from Court Street and there would be phased traffic lights to the exit, via East Street. He advised that it was hoped to keep signage to a minimum so the area did not appear cluttered. He explained that more work needed to be carried out in terms of the detailed design.


In response to a question about how much more funding was needed to carry the scheme forward, the Head of Environment and Amenities explained that this was difficult to judge as the detailed design had not been carried out and funding may have to be spent on altering junctions and changing locations of CCTV cameras. Mr Gates advised that each County Member would have funding after June 2009 to contribute to highway schemes.


Mr Bowles acknowledged that it was frustrating waiting for the scheme to be implemented. He suggested that in the meantime steps could be taken to reduce the speed of cars travelling up Preston Street by installing speed humps and he brought the Forum's attention to Minute No. 228/06/07 of the Faversham and Swale East Area Forum.


The Local Transport and Development Manager (KCC) explained that the introduction of traffic calming could produce other problems such as the noise created when vehicles crossed them and being located too close to junctions. He advised that consultation would need to be carried out first.


A Member suggested that the upgraded traffic lights needed to be audible as well. He also considered that the design details should be co-ordinated with the improvements that Tesco were planning. The Local Transport and Development Manager explained that it was not always practical to use audible traffic lights as in some areas they could cause confusion.