Agenda item

Bysingwood Community Centre

To consider the outline of plans for redevelopment of the Bysingwood Community Centre




The Chief Community Services Officer (SBC) introduced the report which followed a request to SBC to provide the West Faversham Community Association (WFCA) with a longer term lease of the Community Centre, including a lease of the adjoining public open space. He outlined the facilities within the centre and explained that the current lease had nine years left to run. He explained that although the hall was quite well used, storage in the building was poor. The hall did not meet the expectations of the local community and the WFCA wanted to do more with the hall. The Chief Community Services Officer advised that a longer lease on the building could assist the WFCA in obtaining more funding. He explained that a legal process would need to be adopted, if the WFCA wished to take over and use the land adjoining the hall, as this was public open space.


The Chief Community Services Officer explained that this was an opportunity for local people to engage and contribute to the proposals in place.


Mr Winlow (WFCA) explained that the hall was an important part of the community, especially within an area of deprivation where it was needed as a base for improving social needs. He reported that the building was old and tired and expensive to run. There was a committee of people at the hall to move the proposals on and the project was bringing local people together.


Mr Kay (WFCA) explained that halls similar to this one existed throughout the country, some in areas similar to Faversham. He emphasised the importance of gaining community involvement with the proposals.


Mr Gates thanked Mr Winlow, Mr Kay and the Chief Community Services Officer for their work on the proposals. He welcomed the type of hall that would be there, in that part of Faversham.


A Member welcomed the forward thinking of the plans but raised concern with the sustainability of the project and its knock-on effect on other halls in Faversham. He highlighted the possible problem of the scheme not being successful and SBC being left with a long lease.


Mr Gates considered that Faversham could sustain another hall.


The Chief Community Services Officer suggested that there should be two separate leases, one on the hall and one on the adjoining land.


Members welcomed the proposals and considered the long lease would give stability to the hall, but concern was raised on the land being used as a football pitch, close to a residential area.




(1) That the Faversham Local Engagement Forum supports the following recommendations and these be included in the Chief Community Services Officer's report to the Executive.


(i) That the Executive is asked to agree that a new lease be agreed with WFCA subject to legal process concerning local consultation on the disposal of the open space to WFCA.

(ii) That the Executive is asked to agree that Swale Borough Council, together with other local community centre/hall providers, continue to work with WFCA with the objectives of meeting local needs in the most accessible and effective ways for users and providers.