Agenda item

Summary of table discussions: Brief feedback from each of the tables on the priorities and issues identified


Table 1

Identified the following needs for young people

  • Skateboard park
  • Use the woods for paintballing every couple of months or so and mountain biking
  • Track for motor cycling including training for on and off road. Possible use of farmer’s field.
  • Youth club – pool, games consoles etc
  • Tennis court
  • No where to go when it is raining
  • Facilities need to be close as it is difficult to travel and parents aren’t always around to ferry people about.


General points raised

  • Youth club – who’s going to run it? Needs to be for primary and secondary ages need volunteers
  • Istead Rise Community Association needs to set up a young peoples sub committee. 
  • The community centre needs to be used more.
  • Need a footpath/cycle way from Meopham station to Istead Rise ( Kent Highways has this in their budget plans for 2010/11
  • The young people felt safe and Istead Rise is a friendly area, unlike Gravesend
  • Need more competitive sport. 5-a-side football tournaments that sort of thing
  • Youth club at the centre – need to find funds for a part time youth worker and volunteers – look at the successful youth clubs in other areas of Gravesham. How do they do it
  • Look at running buses from rural areas to the Woodville Halls for SNAP discos
  • Climbing frame for younger people
  • Access to and use of any facilities needs to be reasonably priced.
  • Lack of swimming pool, costs a lot to get to Northfleet


Table 2

  • Would like to have a swimming pool for Istead rise (but it was explained that this very unlikely owing to cost)
  • Better transport to and from Gravesend/Bluewater is needed
  • Want a Multi-use games area (MUGA) here at Istead Rise
  • The youth club at Istead Rise closed down a while ago because of lack of helpers, would like another one. 
  • The old caretakers house next to Istead rise school would make a good youth club but it was also felt that more use should be made of the community centre.
  • 11-18 year olds are bored and need informal facility


Table 3

·         Higham Youth club –relies on volunteers

·         Young people run own discos

·         Istead rise community association doesn’t do enough for young people

·         Ken jones- IRCA are considering extending terrace for play area

·         IRCA Need to set up sub committee for youth matters

·         Footpaths alongside the A227 to Meopham to make it safer to get to station.

·         KHS have this in the pipeline but it will be looked at in 2010-11


Table 4

  • Istead rise very friendly, its ok to live here
  • Young people would like a MUGA
  • Would use the new A2 activity area as long as it is competitively priced
  • 5 a side football – inter Gravesham competition
  • Somewhere outside to shelter from rain
  • Facilities in the village rather than having to travel
  • Willing to contribute to costs –ie young people can pay a little
  • Roads too dangerous for younger children to cycle


Table 5

  • Media project –would be really good if young people produce videos of their views on Istead rise (a bit like the young people did in Christian Fields)
  • Young people want something ideally every night. Need to make their own entertainment as well
  • Parishes to contribute to getting young people to SNAP disco
  • A lot of the money goes into the urban areas, not  the rural


Table 6

  • Climbing frame
  • Better skate ramp
  • Movie nights
  • Archery, Cricket, Rounders
  • People don’t know what it available –need to have newsletter or something that tells people what is available.