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  • Issue
  • Issue - decisions

    13/00049- Westwood Relief Strategy

    28/06/2013 - 13/00049 - Westwood Relief Strategy

    The Cabinet Member for Transport & Environment agreed to:

    i. approve the scheme for the improvement of Poorhole Lane and associated junctions shown as an outline design together with land acquisition requirements on Drg No. A3/KHS/PL/BID/106 Rev0 for land charge disclosures and development control.

    ii. give approval to progress the scheme for the improvement of Poorhole Lane and associated junctions shown as an outline design on Drg No. A3/KHS/PL/BID/106 Rev0 including any ancillary works such as drainage and environmental mitigation.

    iii. give approval for Legal Services to complete the acquisition of the land required to deliver the scheme for the improvement of Poorhole Lane and associated junctions shown indicatively on Drg No. A3/KHS/PL/BID/106 Rev0 including but not limited to any ancillary works such as drainage and environmental mitigation on terms to be agreed by the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support.