Issue - decisions

13/00031/B - North Farm Link Road (Longfield Road) Improvement, Tunbridge Wells

01/07/2013 - 13/00031B - North Farm Link Road (Longfield Road) Improvement, Tunbridge Wells - amendments to scheme

The Cabinet Member for Transport & Environment agreed to:

i. approve the revised scheme for the improvement of Longfield Road, shown as an outline design on Drg 4300034/000/01 for land charge disclosures and development control in substitution for Drg No. B2500600/04 Rev0.


ii. give approval to continue to progress the scheme subject to all land required for the scheme being formally secured or committed by 31 July 2013.


iii.  give approval for Legal Services to take a dedication, transfer or by some other appropriate legal mechanism to secure the land required to deliver the Longfield Road scheme, shown in outline Drg 4300034/000/01 including but not limited to any ancillary works such as drainage and environmental mitigation.