Issue - decisions

Halfway Houses Primary school, Expansion from 2FE to 3 FE

05/10/2014 - Halfway Houses Primary school, Expansion from 2FE to 3FE

The CabinetMemberfor Educationand Health Reform has notedthe governing body'sdecisionto expandthe school and agreesto:


i.      Allocate £1,384,353.56 fromEducation &YoungPeople's ServicesCapital BudgetbeingKent CountyCouncil's contributiontowards thepriority schoolbuilding scheme whichhas been agreedwith theEFA.


ii.       Authorise theDirector ofPropertyand InfrastructureSupport in consultationwith the Directorof Lawand Governance toenterintoany necessarycontracts/agreements onbehalf of theCounty Council


iii.     Authorise the Directorof Property andInfrastructure Supportto bethe nominatedAuthority Representativewithinthe relevant agreementsandto enterintovariationsas envisaged under thecontracts.