Issue - decisions


17/09/2008 - Excellent Homes for All - Kent Housing Private Finance Initiative (PFI)

(Mr David Weiss, Head of Public Private Partnerships and Property Team was present for this item)


(1)       This report updated Cabinet on the new Kent Housing (PFI) Project that KCC was leading on in partnership with 5 district councils.


(2)       Mr Gibbens said that the project was to develop up to 212 units of additional social housing across Kent, including up to 160 extra care apartments for older people, up to 36 apartments for vulnerable homeless people, and 16 flats for people with mental health problems.  He said that the project was fully funded and he commended the recommendations to Cabinet.  Mr Lynes said that the initiative provided many benefits and he paid thanks to officers for the way they had taken this work forward.  Thanks  was also placed on record to the district councils and other partners for the part they had played in taking this initiative forward .


(2)       Cabinet then approved the submission of an outline business case for the project and agreed the recommendation to progress with the procurement of the project, as detailed in the Cabinet Report.  Cabinet also approved the signing of a development agreement with the District Councils in order to undertake the procurement in partnership.