Issue - decisions

16/00133 - Proposed Revision of Rates Payable and Charges Levied for Children's Services in 2017-18

28/03/2017 - 16/00133 - Proposed Revision of Rates Payable and Charges Levied for Children's Services in 2017-18

In line with the recommendations in the report on the Proposed Revision of Rates Payable and Charges Levied for Children’s Services in 2017-18, as Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services, I:

A) APPROVE the increase to:

i.          All Placement under 2          £148.62

All Placements 2-4               £152.92

All Placements 5-8               £170.15

All Placements 9-10             £170.15

All Placements 11-15           £192.77

All Placements 16-17           £227.23

All Placements 18+              £227.23


ii.         The Foster Care Reward element to increase to:

Non related placements 0-8 yrs - £110.29

Non related placements 9-18 yrs  - £209.49


iii.        The Disability Enhancement Rate

Standard based on 30% of Higher Reward Element - £62.85

Enhanced based on 40%of Higher Reward Element - £83.80


iv.        The Foster Care Skills based payment increase to:

Level 2 - £20.43

Level 3 - £51.05


v.         The Single placement supplement  increase to:

Age 0-8 yrs - £220.58

Age 9-18 yrs £418.98


vi.           To increase the Therapeutic Fostering Supplement to: £646.21


vii.          For  Local Authority Charges for Children Services


viii.        Assessment hourly rate to increase to £70.27 per hour


ix.           Administration Fee increase to £10.46



x.            The rates which are dictated by external agencies ie inter-agency charges and Essential Living Allowance.



xi.           The charge for other Local Authorities for use of in-house respite residential beds is to be calculated on the basis of full cost recovery.


D) DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, or other nominated officer, to undertake the necessary actions to implement the decision.