Issue - decisions

17/00120 - Proposal for the Education Services Company to commence trading on or after 1 April 2018

17/01/2018 - 17/00120 - Proposal for the Education Services Company to commence trading on or after 1 April 2018

As Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, I propose to:


In light of:


·         Further information received resulting in Cabinet Members carefully considering the benefits and risks of proceeding with the commencement of trading;

·         Detailed briefing provided to Cabinet Members with an opportunity to consider the issues raised;

·         Detailed briefing provided to Scrutiny Committee with an opportunity to consider the issues raised.


Having carefully considered and reflected the concerns and issues raised in planning for the business where appropriate, it is recommended that the Cabinet Member decides to confirm the commencement of trading on or after 1 April 2018.