Issue - decisions

17/00105 - Proposal to enlarge The Skinners' School

12/12/2017 - 17/00105 - Proposal to enlarge The Skinners' School

As CabinetMember forChildren, YoungPeople andEducation Cabinet Committee, I agree to:


supportthe expansionof TheSkinners' School,St John'sRoad, RoyalTunbridge Wells,Kent, TN4 9PG, therebyincreasing thePAN from150 to160 selectivesecondary school placesfromSeptember

2019. Therefore, I agreeto:


 i.        Allocate £3.0million fromthe BasicNeeds budgetto fundthe permanentexpansionofthe expansion of TheSkinners School.


ii.        Authorise theDirector ofInfrastructure inconsultation withGeneral Counselto enterinto any necessarycontracts/ agreementson behalf ofthe CountyCouncil


iii.        Authorise  the  Director  of  Infrastructure  tobe  the  nominated  Authority  Representative within  the  relevant  agreements  and  to  enter  into  variations  as  envisaged  under  the contracts


This  decision  is  conditional  upon  planning  permission  being  granted  and  a  satisfactory  legal agreement  being  enteredinto withThe Skinners'School, toset outthe arrangements  for school management ofthe capitalscheme andchanges tothe school'sadmissions arrangementsand final approvalby theSecretary ofState. Thecosts ofthe projectare estimatesand thesemay increase as theproject isdeveloped.   Ifthe costof theproject isgreater than10%, theCabinet Memberwill be requiredto takea furtherdecision toallocate theadditional funding.