Issue - decisions

19/00026 - A Proposal to permanently expand the Secondary provision at Saint George's Church of England School, Gravesend, from a PAN of 180 to 210 for September 2020.

18/04/2019 - 19/00026 - A Proposal to permanently expand the Secondary provision at Saint George's Church of England School, Gravesend, from a PAN of 180 to 210 for September 2020.

As Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education, I agree to:


(a)  Allocate £2.6m from the Children, Young People and Education Capital Budget, to fund any necessary additional works or variations to accommodation.


(b)  Authorise the Director of Infrastructure in consultation with the General Counsel to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council.


This decision is subject to planning permission being granted.