Issue - decisions

20/00028 - A20 London Road Aylesford Junction Improvement

07/08/2020 - 20/00028 - A20 London Road Aylesford Junction Improvement

As Cabinet Member for Highways & Transport, I agree that the highway improvement for the A20 London Road Aylesford Junction can proceed through the next stages of development and delivery including authority to progress statutory approvals and to enter into funding, land and construction contracts.   


Specifically to:

i)     give approval to the outline design scheme for the A20 London Road Aylesford in Tonbridge & Malling for development control and land charge disclosures, drawing number A20HR-CAP-HGN-00-DR-C-0043;

ii)    give approval to progress all statutory approvals or consents required for the scheme, drawing number A20HR-CAP-HGN-00-DR-C-0043;

iii)   give approval to enter into land agreements with third parties as necessary;

iv)   give approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme,

v)    give approval to undertake engagement with all relevant stakeholders as identified in the communication plan; and

vi) give approval that the Corporate Director for Growth, Environment & Transport, under the Officer Scheme of Delegations and in consultation with the Corporate Director for Finance and Procurement, enter into relevant legal agreements and take other actions necessary to implement this decision.