Issue - decisions

20/00044 - Covid-19 Block Beds for Older Persons Residential and Nursing

09/04/2020 - 20/00044 Title: Covid-19 Block Beds for Older Persons Residential and Nursing

The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health agrees to:


a) PURCHASE a number of block beds across all need types within the Older Persons Residential and Nursing service to support the discharge of clients from hospital with the increase caused by Covid-19.


b) DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director for Adult Social Care and Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to review the bed and requirements and increase the numbers purchased providing the total cost remains within the approved limit of £2,494,828.44


c) DELEGATE authority to the Corporate Director for Adult Social Care and Health to take other relevant actions, including but not limited to finalising the terms of and entering into required contracts or other legal agreements, as necessary to implement this decision.