Issue - decisions

21/00048 A228/B2017 and B2017/B2160 Paddock Wood Junction Improvements

07/07/2021 - 21/00048 A228/B2017 and B2017/B2160 Paddock Wood Junction Improvements

As Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transportation and Waste, I agree to give:


i.          Approval to progress the proposed junction improvements as indicatively shown on drawings SK26 Rev P4; and SK49 Rev A and SK50 Rev B through surveys, design and construction;

ii.         Approval for the proposed junction improvements shown on drawings SK26 Rev P4; and SK49 Rev A and SK50 Rev B to be used for Land Charge disclosures and development control;

iii.        Approval to take a transfer of land for the improvements from an adjacent housing development under a S106 planning obligation and acquire other land and rights as necessary;

iv.        Approval to progress all statutory approvals and consents required for the scheme including detailed planning consent, drainage and environmental consents and securing temporary use of land for a construction site compound;

v.         Approval to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the scheme subject to the approval of the Infrastructure Commissioning Board to the recommended procurement strategy; and

vi.        Approval for any further decisions required to allow the scheme to proceed through to delivery to be taken by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following prior consultation with the Cabinet Member.